Saturday, December 23, 2006

Packed and packing

Listening to the rain, and watching "The Aviator." The new HD video cables made a huge difference in the picture quality, especially when the light has dimmed down.

Mark was in town for Christmas. He and I exchanged some emails; which advanced today to telephone calls and text messages, but his family schedule and my work schedule didn't mesh enough that we could meet up. He's going back home after next week.

Everything's all packed and ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow morning, John II is going to church with me, then taking me to the airport directly after church is over.

Three days in the family. Yowie. I'm packed up with gifts, but need wrapping paper. And gift cards.

The Merlin card is working and ready for use. The Treo is cleaned up and loaded with pictures and music. Headphones are packed; all three sets thereof. Computer games. Book to read. Journal to journal in. Bag's packing all rationalized finally.

Everything old is new again - shower door edition: after nine months here, I only yesterday got the shower door's hard water stains cleaned off. I tried everything, including some acid wash that PROMISED to clean hard water stains. Nothing made a dent.

Then, in my endless research about the Phaeton, I discovered an article that discussed the surfactant that's in car wash solution, which builds up on windshields and makes everything all smeary. They suggested using Bon Ami or Bar Keeper's Friend. I bought some for Scarlett's windshield (which was a slimy mess,) and it worked GREAT. Then, I brought it inside the house, and started using it on the stainless steel pans. AMAZING. The two quart saucepan that Joseph burned out back eight years ago cleaned RIGHT out. The stainless frying pan - clean as a whistle. I went to town on the pans. Cleaned the baking sheet, right out to the corners.

Finally, yesterday afternoon late, I used it to clean the inside of the shower door. It's clean as a WHISTLE. Holy cow!

Bar Keeper's friend. Get a case.

I need to go get the headphone attachment for the Treo out of the desk upstairs. And some AA batteries. And remember to pack the charger for the Treo and its headset.

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