Saturday, March 11, 2006

Saturday night at home

Chuck's been here a while; we've got the NV presentations done, I've baked a cake for the potluck, have everything all set up to be put into the car tomorrow morning.

He's just had a call from his "backup date," and is headed out now. I'll be here watching more episodes of Angel, it seems and trying to get enough sleep tonight.

I got my wireless print server installed and working today all by myself! Well, with E's help walking me through.

Four loads of laundry today. Did some cleaning up. Mailed off some stuff. Have some bags of trash to take out. Need to vacuum. Chuck just noticed the mass of Barney hair on the carpeting. And twigs and leaves from Jackie. Hm. "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...."

Just found an INCREDIBLE brand new Phaeton in West Palm - white with Sonnen Beige 4 seat! It's just singing to me. Yep. I've copied over the pictures, changed my screen savers, and generally sworn my loyalty to the concept.

Watching "The Sand Pebbles" tonight. My blood sugar has been as high as an elephant's eye lately. Urg. I'm reading Depok Chopra's book about health. It's very interesting - but, I'm not yet finding anything that's new than what I've already read by other authors. Of course, I haven't yet gotten to the second half where he discusses creating good health.

Watched "Before Stonewall" last night. It was poor production quality, but Harry Hay, Ginsberg, all kinds of historic gay figures. WOW. I had forgotten that we used to be arrested just for being in a "bohemian" bar. That the police would show up and arrest everyone inside.

What was really fascinating was that there was all this archival footage of the NYPD arresting and harassing gay people, and then the State of New York paid for this movie in 1986.

Just read an article that CP sent me about the Fed starting to lean on commercial real estate lending. It's very interesting. read here He's asking "how do we make money if this is the case?" An excellent question.

Ruby's butt is jacked up with the air shocks. I think that there's something wrong with the .. sensors or the .. whoozies and it's causing her to ride hard and break shocks. It is nice to have functional brakes again, though.

This movie is interesting. How on earth did it seem reasonable to us to try to control China in this fashion?

Listening to CP tell me how we're going to have all this work coming in. Oh my. I hope so, that would be lovely.

So, it seems that guns is willing to train me, and is willing to do it for much less. He's willing to start on Monday. He wants to be my "date" Monday at Berryhill's anniversary party, and .. such.

Okay, it's time to vacuum and then get ready for bed. Laundry to fold. The rest of this movie to watch. Church in the morning.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hump day dynamics

Funny, this post has been sitting here for nearly six weeks unfinished. This was right about the time that I got really derailed, I think.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Tuesday turmoil

God love Chuck. He came over tonight to hang out and watch DVDs with me. This day requires some TLC.

Things seemed like they had started off so well today. Lunch with Ben was wonderful. Then, I came home and - disaster. My afternoon was all planned out - balance checking account statements, four business tax returns - and it was ripped away. I don't know that I've ever been completely speechless before. I know that it was the first time in my life since I have cohesive memory that I had no idea what to do next.

It took four hours to straighten my emotional state out, and then another hour to recover a sense of equalibrium.

So, I guess that it remains to be seen whether I have lost any business from this, but I certainly lost a half days' productivity. There's more waiting in my "in" box to be processed, but I think that I'll wait until tomorrow morning to deal with that.

Ruby's still up on a jack - AutoZone had to re-order her shocks and they won't be in until tomorrow morning. The brake pads are easy enough - only $20.00.

Had a call today from a student from last fall - they want me to do book keeping for them. Hopefully, Ruby will be ready for me to make that meeting tomorrow night. They have five months' worth of accounting to do right away.

Not a word out of the guy who was supposed to come work on stuff for my two websites and help me with my mortgage books. What is it that has people just utterly avoid their promises and then expect you not to notice?

Still working on the land loan that I've been working on for seven months.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Monday, Monday ver. 733.01

Nothing like a day that starts off with N8 stopping by at 0800. I was cleaning up the floor after Barney's created quite the huge mess - from the laundry room door to the baby gate. He started drinking at 10, and was drunk out of his mind by 2:00 - he started yelling at people - oof. Just was wondering where things were going to go.

That boy is a tortured soul.

His presence did make me quite productive inasmuch as I was trying to do nearly anything to get away from him .. while he sat there and peppered me with disconnected questions and phrases.

Rosita gave me some drink mix for people with diabetes - I mixed up a big pitcher and have been working with it. Not having food after 4:00 anymore - I hope. It's tough. I hope this stuff isn't terribly expensive, 'cause I can see that I'm going to be going through it pretty quickly.

Barney, after spending the morning in the laundry room, was busted loose by N8 who spent a half hour badgering me about how horrible I was toward Barney - he's been without his blue hood since this morning (he made a horrible mess of it in the kitchen) and he's been okay with it so far.

The Phaeton that I want has been sold. On a good note, it's been sold to a guy who buys cars and only keeps them for six to twelve months - it's really the one that I want, and I'm thinking that this is the universe's way of hiding the car from the world for a few months until I'm ready for it. Of course, I could make MORE money and buy an A8L with the four seat package. With that car, I could get the nifty refrigerator in the rear seat. Plus, it has bluetooth.

And, in the meantime - do I keep it going with Ruby, or buy a new car? I'm attracted to a VW TDI - either a Jetta or a Beetle. The Beetle is about 10% cheaper, and I could put Ruby's custom stereo into it. Advantage has a gray one with an automatic.

Ruby's in the hospital - left rear shock broke and she needs brake pads. This means a trip to Auto Zone tomorrow, and hopefully this will cure some of her issues. But. I'd really rather have the A8 or the Phaeton, and give Ruby to my brother in Grand Rapids.

And, I'd still probably buy the TDI to drive to and from Clear Lake.

My Treo is rebooting itself over and over. I think it's time to call the manager of the Sprint store again.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Sunday evening thoughts -

Church today went great. The work everyone did was great.

Afterward, Chuck and I went to Barnaby's - the service was stinky, and Michael the beefy ex-marine waiter was an exercise in studied indifference. The waiter we had was DREADFUL. He ignored us the whole time we were there until it was time to bring us the check. We had dealt with the shift manager the whole time, and she took care of us. The waiter needs to find some other line of work, I think.

After, we went looking at some houses for Chuck to rent - we found the PERFECT Chuck pad, which was great - it's gorgeous. I wish it were MY house to rent. But, who am I kidding, I don't want to leave my neighborhood.

After we did all that, we headed out to the Tiajuana Wal-Mart at West Rd. Urk. It was dreadful, but we did stock up on dog food.

Watched the movie "Sneakers" tonight - it was very cute.

I have to get on the ball tomorrow morning. AND, Ruby's broken another rear shock. These shocks from AutoZone appear to be worthless. My computer help is starting to act flaky again; I've advertised on craigslist for someone; we'll see what happens.

Time for more internal work, I think. Who knows.