Saturday, September 22, 2007


What? What are we? Free? Hardly. We're more heavily restricted in our viewpoints than almost any but a dictatorial society. My neighbors put trash and dog waste on my front stoop because I'm not a Republican. Just wait until the giant HILLARY FOR PRESIDENT sign goes up in my front yard. And the video camera to record any "incidents." You should click that link. Yes, you really should. See how proud you feel to be an American today.

Actually, I may put out a huge "" sign.

Rules #1 - 200,000,000 For Effective Liberal Politics
(posted on

by tristero

Following up on Digby's recent post, I'd like to remind everyone how the system, like it or not, works. It's quite simple.

If you're mad at the Democrats who denounced MoveOn, do something about it. Give MoveOn money. If you plan to donate to individual political campaigns, give the money to those campaigns through MoveOn (or an equivalent group).

Money talks, people. And direct donations to Democrats won't cut it, except to the best of the best. When a truly large portion of a Democratic candidate's funding comes from MoveOn - more importantly, when a truly large portion of the Democratic Party's war chest comes from MoveOn and similar groups... well, no guarantees. But I can guarantee that if liberals don't seriously organize their funding of Democrats, we will repeat the awful spectacle of the last few weeks again and again. (Not to mention the kind of capitulations to the rightwing that, so far, has characterized the 21st century.)

Question: How much money we're talking about here? Answer: heh, heh, heh. C'mon, you weren't born yesterday!

For those of you who have been living under a rug, here's a link to MoveOn. If you don't like MoveOn, no biggie. Simply donate to a group you do like that endorses and funds political races. And if you donate directly to candidates, do so only to the absolute finest candidates and let the others come begging to MoveOn for endorsements and cash.

One final thing which you may not like to hear. Of course, you have to vote. But I'm sorry to say that if you can possibly afford it, you also have to pony up for decent congresscritters, governors, presidents, etc. No cash, no influence,

Does this sound like a shakedown? Well, yes. But remember, we're the reality-based folks and like it or not, you'll have to pay for good government. And if we don't pay, there never will be even a hope of election reform that helps curb the shakedown. Ever.

Yesterday, Larry send me an email asking me to include something in my blog. It's definately DivoBlog worthy. It's a MoveOn email:

Dear MoveOn member,

Yesterday, an amazing thing happened. After the Senate's shameful vote, and after President Bush called MoveOn "disgusting,"1 our email started to fill up with messages like this one:

I'm currently in Iraq. I do not agree with this war, and if I did support this war, it would not matter. You have the RIGHT to speak the truth. We KNOW that you support us. Thank you for speaking out for being our voice. We do not have a voice. We are overshooted by those who say that we soldiers do not support organizations like MoveOn. WE DO.

YOU ARE OUR voice.

And then came the donations. By midnight, over 12,000 people had donated $500,000—more than we've raised any day this year—for our new ad calling out the Republicans who blocked adequate rest for troops headed back to Iraq.

The message from MoveOn members was loud and clear: Don't back down. Take the fight back to the issues that matter.

So today we're shooting for a very ambitious goal: Reach $1 million so we can dramatically expand the campaign we launched yesterday going after politicians who support this awful war. Can you chip in $25 toward our goal?
All day, messages from vets and military family members kept pouring into our email, many of them aimed at the Senate:

I have given a son to this country. My brother, my father, my uncle have all served honorably and bravely. I am a loyal American. I am outraged and sick to death of the tactics this administration uses to try to silence dissent to a war that is unjust, built and maintained on lies, political power, and greed. I was content to let others fight more loudly, but no more.
–Sharyn W., NC

I am a prior soldier who served in Iraq for 13 months, and am now an expecting mom with a husband who is deployed in Baghdad. I don't think I can ever forgive the Bush administration for the lies that tricked America into this war and hurt my family so badly. I am ashamed of those American politicians who would condemn an organization for practicing the Freedom of Speech that so many soldiers have died for.
–Danielle B., OH

As a US Navy veteran and an Iraq war veteran of over a year I want to ask, What has happened to us? What has happened to our voice? Where is this country going with stopping free speech and free press? ... Every time I think of the long nights I had in Anbar remembering what I was fighting for, well here it is....
–Ahmad H., LA

These folks have made sacrifices many of us can't imagine. Their charge to us was clear: keep speaking the truth about how President Bush and the Republicans have betrayed our trust.

So we're going to expand our ad campaign—keep it on the air longer and run it against other politicians who helped block adequate rest time for our troops. Can you chip in $25 to do it?

And still the messages kept coming ...

I've had three nephews serve since 2002, one of whom was killed in Anbar Province. I have a fourth nephew at Quantico training. I want this war over before he is deployed and before any more of our soldiers are sacrificed.
–Michele R., NE

Three members of my family are military. Two Marines have served in Iraq and an Army Lt. is deploying in November. If we had all spoken out when the administration used General Powell perhaps we would not be in this mess.
–Carol B., PA
As a Marine I served for many reasons but one of them was to allow people the freedom of speech, whether I agreed with it or not. Wearing a uniform does not mean someone isn't a shill, is spewing propaganda, and downright lies. MoveOn has every right to buy an ad and say what they want about a public figure. This administration has lied to us, deceived us, misled us and when posed with a challenge this is how they respond?
–Keith G., VA

The Senate won't pass a policy to end the war or even to make sure our troops in the field have enough rest time between deployments, but they hold votes to crack down on millions of Americans who are upset about the war?

Well—it isn't going to work. We put together a hard-hitting ad that highlights how Republicans failed our troops and if we can raise enough money today, we'll air it across the country. Please help if you can:

For all of us on the MoveOn staff, this week was a bit of a rollercoaster—MoveOn was attacked by nearly the entire Republican party, while too many Democrats ran for the hills. But what kept us going were messages like these—and the incredible privilege we feel to serve all 3.2 million Americans in

When the story is written of how the Iraq war ended, you will be the heroes. Thank you.

–Eli, Adam G., Adam R., Anna, Carrie, Daniel, Erik, Ilyse, Jennifer, Joan, Justin, Karin, Laura, Marika, Matt, Natalie, Nita, Noah, Tanya, Tom & Wes Political Action
Friday, September 21st, 2007

So, everyone on Capitol Hill and inside the beltway had apoplexy about MoveOn calling Petraeus into question about his report. But, this is okay:

Chicago: Thanks for taking questions. What do you see at the event(s) that could really shake up either of the presidential primary races between now and January? I'm not talking about Osama blowing up the Sears Tower or 1,000 GIs being killed in Iraq next month but regularly scheduled events or debates, or the beginning of the millions in TV ads, things within the campaigns' control.

Jonathan Weisman: How about Obama blowing up the Sears Tower! I never liked that building anyway. (Just kidding, folks.)

And this is okay, too -

The left has core values. They're just not ours. But I mean, if Obama Osama -- here's the story. It's in the Orlando Sentinel. "Obama Osama Leads Star Power or Lends Star Power to Nelson. A Democratic U.S. senator campaigns for his colleague in a town hall forum in Eatonville. About 500 people rose to their feet in a standing 'O' worthy of a rock star, as U.S. Sen. Barack Obama Osama hit the stage."

Well, we've got another tape from -- I get these guys confused -- Usama bin Laden. Another tape says he's going to invade Pakistan and declare war on Pakistan and Musharraf, which, ladies and gentlemen, puts him on the same page with a Democrat presidential candidate -- that would be Barack "Uss-Obama." And let's go back to August 1st: "U-Bama" gave a speech on counterterrorism, and here's a portion of what he said.

And it is true that Barack Obama is on the move. I don't know if it's true that President Bush called Musharraf and said, 'Why can't we catch this guy?'

If you thought Obama's last name was enough of a political pitfall, get this: Last night on Hardball, GOP strategist Ed Rogers ridiculed a potential Obama candidacy by using — possibly for the first time on cable news — Obama's little-known and politically unfortunate middle name. "Count me down as somebody that underestimates Barack Hussein Obama," Rogers said.

The media, the drive-bys, are in the midst of Obama-gasms. Because Obama -- that would be Barack Hussein Obama -- has announced the perfunctory and predictable exploratory committee to go out there and ask people what they think he ought to do. And on February 10th, he will announce his intentions -- which we all know. Really gutsy of Obama to do this while Hillary's out of the country. Hillary had a 2 p.m. press conference today, but she canceled it because Obama's making such big news today. It's kind of like the "Breck girl" was in New York yesterday ripping into Hillary while she was out of the country. Shows that they still fear her.

The number of people that I personally know who quote Rush Limbaugh (the source of most of these quotes, all of which are attributed on Digby's site) and think he has something good to say .. it astonishes me.

I've circled back to the night of Walker, Texas President's inauguration. I was at the Texas/Wyoming ball, en tuxedo, quite drunk. Walker, Texas President entered with his lovely Stepford Wife. He promised to correct a campaign flaw in that he had never publicly danced with his wife for more than ten seconds - he promised to dance the entire "Waltz Across Texas" with her as we watched and the Coast Guard Academy orchestra played.

He danced for fewer than one full verse and then waved and left. On his first night as President, he lied to the faces his strongest supporters (and to me) and they ate it up. I had tears streaming down my face and the husband of a co-worker said "now you know how we felt when Clinton was elected."

Clinton, the centrist. "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" Clinton. No more welfare Clinton. Privatize the government Clinton. That Clinton. Being a Centrist is so challenging to their positions that he had to be savagely attacked for eight years, and now seven years later remains a boogeyman.

I snapped back at the man "at least no one was going to shove you and your friends into ovens, buddy."

That's how I feel now. Like they've built the ovens, and just haven't started the mass arrests and shipments.

The man was shocked - he said "we'd never let that happen."

I didn't believe it that night, and I don't believe it now. All of my respectable, conservative, Republican friends would quietly sit aside as I vanished from the face of the planet and say nothing. And vote again for the people who have put our Treasury into the hands of their campaign contributors, stripped us of our rights and bastardized our courts that no reversals can take place.

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

Once they've shoved me into that oven, at least I won't be saying anything anymore. Not that a one of you is going to do anything about it at all.

Saturday anger and rage

First, I pick up my computer this morning to find an email from the sales manager of David Taylor inviting me to trade in my car. After all, it's got 36,000 miles on it. Almost.

They'd probably whack me for the broken windshield.

Such an opportunity invites reply! And here it is:

Dear Mr. DeSerf:

Thank you for your email inviting me to again do business with David Taylor.

I must compliment Michelle Gertner very highly. She's excellent at follow-up, has a terrific attitude and is wonderful to work with.

However, my experiences with David Taylor, aside from dealing with Michelle, over the past two years have been universally negative in the extreme. I had a dreadful sales experience with your former internet sales manager two summers ago, which prompted me to buy the Bonneville which you've invited me to trade in. With the Bonneville, I've had an ongoing service nightmare that has had me in more than six times for warranty repairs that were not done, not done correctly, damage done to my vehicle repeatedly, and a universal character of denying and defending - telling me that the problem was in my own mind.

Right now, I have a moonroof that was replaced by David Taylor two weeks ago and makes more wind noise than it did before replacement. The service advisor and the service manager have communicated that this is a normal condition and that I am too picky. However, the moonroof, when vented, makes less noise than it does while closed. Six people, including a David Taylor customer, have ridden in the car and have been speechless or derisive about how David Taylor's service personnel have characterized my experiences. I have an exhaust rattle under the hood that David Taylor's service department "can't find," but that people traveling in my car can hear and feel.

After these many fruitless visits, each time requiring time away from work and days without a car, all we can do is make jokes about my imagination being so vivid that it comes with sound effects. I have been again invited by your service manager to go on a test drive to review my complaints. When last at your store, the shop foreman acknowledged that the moonroof made a lot of noise, and told me that it was as good as they could do. Two days later, your service advisor told the GM representative that I was only hearing wind noise. That man has lied repeatedly about the condition of the car and how things were handled - there is no more credibility on the part of your service personnel.

I decline another opportunity to take time away from work, be treated with deference, have nothing accomplished and have the car returned to me in a lesser condition than it was put into your hands as the bailee.

In my more than twenty-five years in business consulting and behavioral counseling, it is clear to me that such behavior in a business structure comes down from the attitudes and the character of those at the top. My experience with sales in 2005, and my experience in service demonstrate that David Taylor does not have a culture of customer service, but is out to maximize yield in each day's transactions regardless of the future cost. GM as an organization also endorses and encourages this behavior, at least at the lower levels. I expected a different experience at a Cadillac franchised store. My experience has been different only in that the indifference I encountered at Chevrolet, Pontiac and Buick stores is sugar coated with a veneer of politeness and more attractive surroundings.

Even GM's factory representatives are only capable of repeating David Taylor's defensive transfer of blame to me; albeit with a perky and cheery voice.

My experiences at David Taylor have caused me to question whether buying another GM car after being a loyal and frequent GM buyer since 1978 would be in my best interest. As appealing as the 08 STS is to me, I must look at other, less interesting choices based on how I know I would be treated by GM and its franchisees.

You will please remove me from any future David Taylor promotional mailings or contact. I wish you the best, sir, but I can't say that I hold much confidence in a successful future at David Taylor based on its owners' and managers' business practices and beliefs.

The other outrage and recommendations will be in a follow-on post. I need to make some coffee.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday without OJ

This is delightful!

This is awesome!!

A series of recorded calls with a major national collection agency - as one of the comments points out - I can't even begin to count the number of violations of law that this recording contains. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thursday in a damaged shirt

So, we have a thing today at a bank that we do business with - a branch anniversary. I put on dressier clothing (has anyone noticed that almost no one wears a suit or a tie anymore?) and my nine year old nametag that makes everyone jealous.

As I pulled this shirt out of the closet this morning, I thought that it looked .. dingy around the collar, which I thought was weird, since I've worn this shirt probably no more than twenty times. I put it on, and saw what looked like an old coffee stain alongside the neckline, and thought "I never spilled anything on this shirt..."

I got into the office, and under the overhead lights saw yellowish stains EVERYWHERE. Like, the shirt is probably ruined. Which is okay; it was a gift and I never liked it much, as it didn't fit worth a flip.

Trying to buy a replacement Treo for mine that died when it hit the floor Friday last. After several not going so well, I found one that was about to close and sold for $127.50 with only $5.00 shipping. YAY! I expect that by the time I kill this one off, they'll have some brand new zippy Treo that will catch my eye.

After months of feeling disempowered, I've started keeping up with my Quicken again. Not up to where I should be with it, but I'm catching up.

My fury over Hillary's health care plan may have been overstated by the inadequate coverage given it in the traditional media - it does include full benefit mandatory underwritten coverage for people like me who can't otherwise get coverage and creates a very large risk pool that isn't tied to healthy people being their sole members. It restructures health insurance underwriting, and makes health insurance totally portable for people who have it through their employers, replacing COBRA.

For me, the health coverage isn't the issue on the monthly premium - it's the hard, out-of-pocket pre-pay that's $5000 that is impossible. To have pay for virtually all of my health care and pay another $4500 on top of that as against contingencies is unworkable.

I guess it's time for a "Hillary 2008" bumper sticker.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Racing for the bottom of the heap

I'm just utterly disgusted with the race to the bottom conducted by the Democratic candidates for President. MORE tax cuts? Are they insane? "Let everyone have health insurance?" Uh - health insurance plus deductibles for me is nearly a thousand dollars a month - explain how a tax cut is going to help me.

We were shopping at Target tonight - they have a blue jalapeño cornbread mix that's AMAZING. OJ's made pork chops and lentils and it's all .. terrific. Yummy. We're watching "Hollywoodland" and then we'll be watching "Pan's Labyrinth."

HAH! David Taylor just sent me ANOTHER email request for feedback on the "repairs" to Scarlett. Uh-huh. How snarky should I be?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Fantasies of solar panels

Well, we tried the EPA Energy Star programming for four days, and it's too bloody uncomfortable. Now, we're going with the Guy Energy sense program which is already more comfortable. Perhaps learning that there is a lock-out on the thermostat will spare me another $370 light bill.

Last night, though, we watched "A Crude Awakening," which was mildly disturbing, to say the least. Afterward, I was surfing around trying to find someone near Houston that installs residential solar electrical systems and .. didn't. Jeff from Orange County (who works for one of the big Sisters, formerly the Seven Sisters, but there's been some consolidation) tells me "it's very scary, but it's all true." What they say in the movie, that is. The cost of a residential system is going to be about $12,000 and there is a Federal tax credit, uncertain Texas credits and .. monthly savings averaging over $200.

One feels less like a granola chomping, hemp shoed nutball when one reads that far smarter people than I thought that this idea was how our country should be powered generally.

We almost played cribbage last night. It had been since I was a young teenager in Lake City, Michigan that I had played and the three cribbage boards that have floated down here to my life now sit in lonely silence on the coffee table. Somewhere, I even had a cribbage score pad, but I'm betting that was purged at some point. I had to go re-read the instructions in detail, and it seems clunky.

The cool front makes it possible that we could go outdoors after 7:00 or so and actually play around the patio table.

I'm hoping to toddle out onto the courtyard here in a short bit and clean up the plants and make it more appealing. Jeremy is feeling less than perfect, so we'll see if this comes together.