Friday, April 11, 2008

Why do we continue to validate HRC?

Are we that desperate for a veneer of inclusion that we pony up millions to an organization that doesn't represent us in any meaningful way?

As far as their lobbying effort goes, it's beyond parody or joke. It's pathetic. Their public face amplifies the perfidy and prevarication that we've come to expect in society to levels of ridiculousness that even a right-wing radio host would find embarrassing.

Thinking that after a ten year hiatus, I could fight from within more effectively than without, I re-joined HRC in November 2007, but have never received any acknowledgment of my application nor fee payment. Repeated inquiries have produced nothing.

Nothing is what HRC brings the gay, lesbian, transgendered and bisexual communities. They are a glitzier, drug-free version of an endless circuit party - sucking up $41,000,000 in 2007, and paying out a whopping $8,902,000 in lobbying and advocacy.

Don't be fooled by their "program services" items of "Public policy & training," or "member education and mobilization."

Those items are self-promotion and fund-raising. Big parties, fees to celebrities who can feel good about supporting "gay rights," and magazine advertisements that have a hint of civil rights and lots of requests for more money.

I assert that we would all of us be better off ceasing to validate HRC in the blogosphere, by ending our support of their parties and dinners, and ceasing to sport their bumper stickers. They clearly are NOT in favor of equal rights; they're interested in SAYING that is their mission while raising as much money for self-aggrandizement as possible.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Awesome new BMW ad

This is terrific. Ever wonder what goes on inside of a piston in your car? Now you will know:

How long could you survive in the vacuum of space?
Created by OnePlusYou