Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Hump Day Contemplations

Quicken invited me to download an update from them a few days ago - now, of course, my Quicken software doesn't work AT ALL.


I've been cleaning the house as if Wm Jefferson Clinton were coming to visit; I'm about to dust the inside of the curio case, and then the books. After that, I'm pretty much through. Philip's mom arrives this evening, and I'll be gone to dinner with a new loan officer (I think we're submitting paperwork on five next week.)

I'm still trying to figure out HOW I'm going to get all of this furniture arranged in this room on Saturday. Or Friday. Or whenever. It's a bunch of stuff to put up.

The workmen are finishing painting the outside of the building; they started this morning before 7:30, and, of course, got paint on my patio furniture. Assholes. Took them three working days between when they started and when they took it up again. I'm supposed to leave my things inside the apartment for eight days from the time they tell me they're starting to the time they get around to finishing? What crap.

Anyway, it's time to get to work again on the cleanliness project.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Monday, Monday ver. 635.01

Ah, more coffee. My 10:00 appointment either couldn't wait for me for ten minutes, or he blew me off. Weird.

About to tackle the last of these mongo-tax returns that I had been avoiding (mostly because they're a mess.) The loan business seems quiet today. We're waiting on underwriting responses from two lenders on one file, I have one response I'm waiting for on another, about to pull credit on a third, waiting for an application on a fourth, and CP is out beating the bushes for more.

Not THOSE Bushes, the shrubbery.

Found this on ebay this morning: CDX c90 the world's best car stereo ever made. I WANT IT FOR RUBY!

Since I can't have my OnStar, I want it. I've been thinking of DRIVING to Michigan for Labor Day weekend, am I nuts? I think I need some solitude. Do I need a full week of solitude? I don't know. Would I be walking away from potential business? I don't know.

Barney is in the kitchen kicking up a fuss because he's behind the gate and I'm not paying a lick of attention to him. He can keep it up. He's lost weight AND most of his hair. Makes me wonder about the future. He's 13, which is OLD for a chow, I hear. Jackie is muy frisky now that I've peeled all of her hair off of her. She's just bouncy, playful and happy. Wait until I get the REST of the hair off of her.

Chuck should be here any time, so I'd best get ready for that.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Sunday evening cable

Well, Philip has packed up most of his stuff, and is prepared, five days early, to pack his things into his car and head northward. YAY! Yay for what I've seen about having kept this bedroom with a bed in it all these years, and yay for Philip moving on to his next adventure.

I'm ready for my next adventure.

L has restored himself to a new T-bird; I haven't seen it yet, but it was exactly the one I visioned for him.