Saturday, September 04, 2004

Rain, rain ..

Woke up with a sinus infection today. And in a relatively bad mood. The mood didn't lift until I started teaching this morning, and that went GREAT. As always. I guess that's the answer to why I keep putting up with UHCL - I love the work so much.

Walked out to the car (in the downpour) with the NICEST woman who's been a flight attendant for Southwest for years .. got into the car and had a call from Mikey. He called me yesterday, and said that he wanted to spend some "away" time with me today. We made an arrangement to get together at 4:00 - maybe go "on safari" for the first time in two months - and his call was to inform me that his boyfriend had made other plans.

What is it about gay men that they can only perform two ways in socializing? If they have a boyfriend, their entire lives are subsumed into that relationship. There is nothing outside of it, and all of their old friendships are shut off until their boyfriend .. does whatever and leaves. Then, you (me) are expected to pick up right where you left off, and act like you didn't just get the receiving end of a year or more of being utterly ignored.

The other side is that the only socializing is to go "out." Out to the bars. Watch the boys, watch the dick dancers .. conversation is impossible. What's the point?

Since I don't go "out," and I don't have a boyfriend, I'm basically persona non grata in this world. I won't hear from Richard, aside from telephone calls and emails when he's at work until .. oh, 2015, and Mikey's going to be engaged in this whole Jay thing until it plays out, which could take years. I have ONE single friend, and he's so damned popular ..

Whine, whine, whine.

On a positive note, I found diapers for Jackie on the Petsmart website. Only $18 and $4.99 for 22 liners. I'm buying those ASAP. I can't take much more of her stealth peeing.

Didn't get to see Larry on this trip. I'll go back to Dallas on the 24th and see him then.

I'm reading my fifth "gay fiction" novel in just a few weeks. This one, at least, has something to say, and isn't thinly disguised pornography. There is a quote from this book that I just read that I think is valid ..

"It's all about youth .. flesh .. pretty faces .. gym bodies .. Prada .. big dicks. I mean, when was the last time you heard someone described as "hot" because they were intelligent, polite and considerate?"

I nodded a silent agreement.

"The sad thing is that we worship these .. these .. these fashion-conscious beefcake idols at all costs, and offer up and impossible standard for anyone to meet."

"The fashion-conscious beefcake idols meet the standard," I observed.

"For a few years, if they're lucky. And then what? One day they look in the mirror and realize that they're forty-eight years old, their faces and bodies are sagging, and no one is looking at them anymore. They've been reduced to the status of a mere human, and the so-called "hot" men don't want them anymore. It would be funny if not for the fact that the average guys out there - the ones who were never fashion-conscious beefcake models to begin with - continue to pray at the altar of the new hot boys. Collectively, we just don't seem to get it, do we?"

Amen and amen. Guilty as charged.

After seeing Travis the other night, I've decided not to see him again. It just makes me feel too badly about myself.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Installing Windows XP SP 2 - it's taking a LONG time. I've been waiting for a title company funding all day - it's NOT happening. Pleh.

If I just keep saying that I love this business, maybe it will work as an affirmation.

Signed up for the H&R Block tax course, which I have to take to get access to the ADVANCED tax courses. It's a month of Mondays and Wednesdays.

WHERE did I put my printer ink cartridges?

Seems that I'll be spending a quiet evening at home, and maybe watching a movie. I need to zip over to google adsense google adsense and add this blog spot to it.

The doctor will see you now ..  Posted by Hello

Thursday, September 02, 2004

okay .. the peeler is gone. Got a few things done today, but if any of you know where I put my printer cartridges, get in touch with me soon.

Larry and Miss Blair are headed in tomorrow; there is a possibility that we may go out on Safari, although I'm not inclined to do so. I teach at UHCL on Saturday morning; church on Sunday.

It's a Travis kind of evening, I think. At least, that's the plan.

A bit later ..

Well, that's that. The sheets are dry, Travis is onward, and I am morose.

Been taking tests on They have like .. dozens of personality tests. Took an inkblot test last night, it was fun! Of course, if you want the "full" test results, you have to pay. If you want to do the whole date/person match thing, you have to pay. But, you can take dozens of these tests, have them auto-post to your profile and it's fun.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Ah, at home and finally computerized again. Blake (the new peeler) is snoozing, soundly on guesses, in my bedroom, as I've been cleaning, reading, baking, waiting for the new computer .. all day!

I've baked chicken breasts, heated up garlic bread and now there are green beans heating. How June Cleever of me! Next, I'm baking oatmeal cookies.

slightly later

The cookies did NOT work out at all. I put some homemade kaluha in them, and .. bleh. They're nasty. The new peeler (!) seems to not mind; he's wolfing them down.

He is VERY .. interesting. Like, making me nervous interesting. He came over around 12:30, hung out for about five minutes, took a shower, went to bed, slept until 7:30, got up, ate the food I made for him, went BACK to sleep, slept until 9:00, got up, was heading off for work .. I gave him a disposable razor (he hadn't shaved in days) and he asked for a t-shirt to wear. I gave him an old Heil t-shirt (another "friend" who owes me THOUSANDS) which he donned, and then he asked for a pair of socks. So, I tossed him a pair of Michael's. I was putting some laundry in the machine, so I offered to do some of his (he had mentioned it earlier.) He opened up his bag .. he has NOTHING. Hardly any clothing, hardly any accoutrements, I think he's without a permanent place to live aside from his car.

Something's up with him, and I don't know what.

But, I feel like hiding the good watches. Which, I think, I will go and do right now.

WAY later

Well, it's been interesting. The peeler finally made it back home around 3:00. He's sleeping in my room (since he won't be up until noon, and I'll have work to do. Besides, I think this is a better bed anyway.)

More later .. I need some sleep!

Sunday, August 29, 2004

I wrote out this LONG post last night, which was somewhat profound (considering my fairly innocuous entries of late, it was, anyway.) I had so much to say, and now .. bleh. I just don't feel like reproducing it.