Thursday, September 02, 2004

okay .. the peeler is gone. Got a few things done today, but if any of you know where I put my printer cartridges, get in touch with me soon.

Larry and Miss Blair are headed in tomorrow; there is a possibility that we may go out on Safari, although I'm not inclined to do so. I teach at UHCL on Saturday morning; church on Sunday.

It's a Travis kind of evening, I think. At least, that's the plan.

A bit later ..

Well, that's that. The sheets are dry, Travis is onward, and I am morose.

Been taking tests on They have like .. dozens of personality tests. Took an inkblot test last night, it was fun! Of course, if you want the "full" test results, you have to pay. If you want to do the whole date/person match thing, you have to pay. But, you can take dozens of these tests, have them auto-post to your profile and it's fun.

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