Saturday, November 27, 2004

A bright, sunny, Saturday morning. Today, I have some church stuff to do, I have to work on the Fabulair project some more, lunch with my friend Chuck. Car's clean, the apartment needs dusting, and I have to get ready for my next TWC hearing later this week.

Had three very long conversations yesterday - one with Rev. D, and two with Susan. And a very long conversation with Joel. Hopefully the conversation with Joel MEANT something - and that he didn't go out last night and do exactly what he promised me he wouldn't.

Interesting note - Travis' listing on the website where I met him originally is gone.

No word from Chuck yet on lunch. Ah, he had forgotten.

It's SO gorgeous outside. And the people upstairs are SO loud.

Really cool stuff available to market the tax business - never knew about some of this stuff. One of the old tax software programs talked about a web based data collector that could be used with clients - and then as they fill out the data collector, you can import it straight into your tax software. Can't find it for 2005, though.

Joel's not yet checked in. I had a feeling ..

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

You're Rose!

"My mother always used to say, 'The older you get, the better you get, unless you're a banana.'" You're Rose, the dotty but sweet small-town dimwit who can be a real bitch when your teddy bear is stolen. Back in St. Olaf, you and hubby Charlie once did it till the cows came home -- of course, you were wearing a bell. Life lesson: "If you hold a bird gently, it'll stay. But if you squeeze the bird too tightly, his eyes'll bug out and Mr. Pet Shop Owner gets very angry and won't let you pet them anymore."

Which Golden Girl are you? Find out now!

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Working on the replacement for my website - its content was completely lost in the Great Server Failure of Saturday morning. It's all done, and now I'm just waiting for the registrar change to take effect, and then it will be back up.

This weekend, I'm going to re-do my website and do the church's website, using the package that I had to buy to re-create Should be cool!

Church board meeting tonight was AWESOME. We have planned out a schedule for all of 2005 already, and we're going to be spending the year comparing the Science of Mind to different religions, philosophies and to science. The Christmas calendar is planned, and that's going to be fun, and January is a review of the Science of Mind as a setup to our year long discussion of comparative philosophies.

Have a bunch of email to read and process tonight, and I have to try to make the next four days highly productive.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Oh, my but I'm tired. I finished everything that I had on my plate for the day. Tax returns, web work, re-did the computer set-up, helped Mitch with his lawsuit, screwed with the tax software for 2001 for four hours, baked bread, got the Fabulair business plan delivered, reviewed a bunch of documentation for the business broker ..

And what have I gained? Do I know?

It's time to get some sleep now. Hopefully, tomorrow will produce something tangible that will allow me to keep a roof over my head.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Angel Posted by Hello
I know why I love the show "Angel" so much.

Angel (a vampire with a soul, a complex issue, which may only be solved by watching the show, which is out of production) is a tortured character, who works for good, protecting innocent people and fighting evil. He is surrounded by wonderful people who cherish, adore and protect him, but he feels totally alone and unloveable.

I had a wonderful time hanging out with Rev D today, talked for three hours. Came home, talked to mcom for a while - he's just WIRED (I wonder why?) and then went to meet Mitch about his lawsuit. Dinner at the Palm, which was AWESOME (but the ticket was $145.00 without liquor!)

Time to get some sleep.