Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Bizarre twist-ties

This movie I'm watching, "Dark City," was recommended by my friend Matticia, and it's just plain WEIRD. I mention this to a few IM friends, and they all think it's a great movie.

Baby T was here a while tonight; spinning away. He left pretty settled, but .. oof. I got more tax returns done tonight and .. something else, but now I forget.

I have a ton to do tomorrow, so I need to hit the sack tonight.

Tuesday taxes

All these taxes rushing in to be completed! A guy that I met months ago at JR's finally wants his done, the corporate catch-up that I quoted two weeks ago today says "yea," when the other day it was "nay," and so on. Oof!

A tale of four men (three stupid, one wonderful)

Tale #1

There's this guy on manhunt that I've been "doing" for a few months. He says he's not married, but he acts like he is. For the last three weeks, when I've sent him a message on manhunt, I have a 50/50 of a monosyllabic reply.

All he's interested in is being "serviced," which, I assert, is just more work for the Divo. Unpaid work. This morning, he sends me a message on manhunt (I stopped saying hello to him about a week ago)asking me if I have time to "work on him."

I reply "when," he says "soon," I reply "like in a few minutes, a few hours, a few days, a few weeks?" He says "in a few minutes" I say "no," He says I'll check back with you soon. I say "don't bother"

Tale #2

This one is about Travis, the chiropractor. He calls and calls and calls and calls
"can we get together," which is a euphemism for "can I come over, massage you and collect some money?"

Last night, I write him an email a.) your massage technique is either crap or it's mind altering, b.) your ability to keep appointments sucks, c.) you're priced out of the market

That should curtail the endless phone calling.

Tale #3

PJ, whom you will remember got into a cascade of stupid little shit with the law and spent about two years in the hands of TDCJ. He's out now. He (today) asked me if I'd co-sign a student loan for him

Tale #4

Jayce, the lad that I had the date with last Wednesday called yesterday. Said he was going to stop by at 4, didn't hear further from him; I thought quite seriously about applying 'the rule' to him, the rule that says "no more calling." So, I came home from my class about 10:30, and I get this voice mail from him .. he's on the Gulf Freeway headed this way, I should call him back. So, I did, he came over - we had a nice time together. Two fun things, first, he says he's sorry that he hasn't been able to spend more time with me since we had our first date, and that he won't be able to until after spring break, which suggests that's the direction his thinking is going. Second, he asks me why I'm being so nice to him I said "Maybe Im just a nice guy." He says he never thought so I said "maybe I'm just trying to get you into bed"
He says "I'm already in your bed"

He's sweet, and fuzzy and cute.

Tonight, I'm commitedly staying in and watching DVDs. My first disc of Angel season five comes in tomorrow. Can you see me smiling?

Post-metaphysical giggle

Well, I came home tonight from my prac class in Spring, all ready to turn around and drive back out to the airport to meet up with a F/A from Mid-Atlantic who was coming in and wanted to meet for a drink. I got into a lightly heated debate with Nicole about taxes and government spending (basically, she and I both think there is a HUGE amount of waste in government spending, and that the military can make do with a lot less, that we have no business defending Italy, Germany, Great Britain, Japan and Korea, that governments shouldn't be doing advertising at all (except to tourists) and that the proposed sales tax/business payroll tax in Texas is a bad idea.

I think that if she and I had each a pack of red sharpies and the budget and a month, we could pare the thing down to something reasonable.

Anyway, I came home, and was finishing up my conversation with her, and my voice mail notification went off, which was weird. I hung up with Nicole, and listened to my voice mail (there had been a call from Travis the Chiro while I was in class, and I really didn't want to hear what he had to say) and it was Jayce. He was on his way back from Baybrook Mall, and he said I should call him back.

So, I did. He was just at that moment driving past the exit to my place, so I asked him if wanted to stop by. And, he did.

Choices. Blow off the F/A from Mid-Atlantic (who's got a husband already) for a man who could become a husband. Hmm.

Anyway, today was a productive day. More will follow in the morrow.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Monday, Monday (ver. 626.01)

Making progress already this morning. Corporate tax extension deadline is tomorrow, and I have only two more to go. Shredding mis-printed documents and stuff, filing, getting things organized.

later on

Okay, most of the tax work is done, most of the filing is done, the Fabulair Janus documents have gone out, and why does the bed in here still look like it's been overrun with paper?

Now, I have to do some simple zero dollar 940/941 returns, and get cleaned up, as Jayce is coming over about 4:00.

Monday, Monday (ver. 626.01)

Making progress already this morning. Corporate tax extension deadline is tomorrow, and I have only two more to go. Shredding mis-printed documents and stuff, filing, getting things organized.

later on

Okay, most of the tax work is done, most of the filing is done, the Fabulair Janus documents have gone out, and why does the bed in here still look like it's been overrun with paper?

Now, I have to do some simple zero dollar 940/941 returns, and get cleaned up, as Jayce is coming over about 4:00.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Trash disco

Curt called me as I was driving home from church/study group around 4:00 - he insisted that I join him for trash disco at the Mining Company .. I acquiesced. I was in a foul mood, and instead of napping (which I wanted to do) I cleaned up my apartment. He came by about 7:20, and we dashed over to the Mine, which has not functionally changed since the very early 1980s when I moved here.

Back in "the day," a DJ named John Sims used to work at the Mine, which always had outstanding music. Now, he only works Sunday nights from six to ten, and it's just like time travel. Most of the crowd is older (meaning, we were all there back in "the day.") The vodka is $1.50, and the music ROCKS. We were only there until 9:30, but what a wonderful lift. Song after song comes crashing over you, like surf upon the shore, and you remember how wonderful that time was in life.

I'm planning my 50th birthday party already. I don't know just where I'm going to hold it, but I'm going to do a Frank Sinatra type show with Guy and an orchestra, and then have John Sims spin records for a few hours.

Have a TON of stuff to accomplish tomorrow, both with client taxes and with Fabulair. Have to bring in some money, too.

Time for sleep, if my upstairs neighbor stops quarrying rock.