Saturday, October 21, 2006

FEMA Detention Camps : Are YOU an "Enemy Combatant"?

Cross posted from Daily Kos

by Rogue Scoop
Wed Oct 18, 2006 at 10:59:30 PM PDT

This is not a new story. In several comments I've read here over the last few weeks some folks have revealed their knowledge of the FEMA DENTENTION CAMPS. Up to now I have not written about this subject, but the combination of being hit with the striking down of habeas corpus in The Military Commissions Act of 2006 and just having read the diary by Major Danby about legislation to give Bush control of the National Guard, I decided I had to write about this issue.

Some of you may already be familiar with the issue, but my suspicion is that many Americans, even those who are somewhat informed on political issues still do not know. So here it is:

* Rogue Scoop's diary :: ::

Yesterday was a dark day in American history.

The signing by Bush of The Military Commissions Act of 2006 is just another brick in the wall, another step towards the establishment of the fascist police state that he, Cheney and Rumsfeld have beem working for. In this act Bush has essentially struck a serious blow to our Constitution.

On yesterday's Countdown Keith Olbermann interviewed Jonathan Turley, Professor of Constitutional Law at George Washington University. Among other things Turley said this:

"People have no idea how significant this is... What, really a time of shame this is for the American system...What congress did and what the President signed today essentially revokes over 200 years of American principles and values."

Later Turley added that "the Cogress just gave the President despotic powers."

Although most of the language in the Military Commissions Act is directed towards non-citizens, Turley made it clear that even innocent American citizens could be detained if they are labelled as "unlawful enemy combatants." An article in today's L.A. Times explains that the new law "defines the term broadly, and includes not just terrorists and fighters, but also people who have "materially supported hostilities against the United States."

In our current climate of Orange and Red Alerts, paranoia, "You're either with Us or with the terrorists" rhetoric, and the indictments of journalists and lawyers for so-called treasonous behavior, it is not too far a stretch to imagine
that American citizens who dare to speak out against the Bush regime could be labelled as "enemy combatants." If habeas corpus can be tossed aside, can free speech be far behind? These are questions we need to start asking ourselves.

The same Jonathan Turley whom Olbermann interviewed yesterday had a piece ("Camps for Citizens:Ashcrofts's Hellish Vision")originally in the L.A. Times that is available online through truthout :

In this article Turley reports that former Attn. General Ashcroft desired camps for U.S. citizens whom he deemed as "enemy combatants." Interesting that this term was used back then. One wonders if all this stuff has been brewing for some time.

In the piece it is stated that Ashcroft's plan for camps "would allow him to order the indefinte incarceration of U.S. citizens and summarily strip them of their constitutional rights and access to the courts by declaring them enemy combatants."

What may have seemed fantasy four years ago now looks to be a distinct possibility. In fact, in 2006 KBR, a subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded a $385 million contract to build these detention camps. There are now reportedly over 800 of these facilities across the United States. Some have apparently been converted from being conventinal military bases. This link lists many of the sites across the country:

The frighteninig mosaic of the Bush administration's unilateral internatinal aggression and systematic destruction of our constitutional at home could lead some to believe that we have not seen the worst yet. It is crucial that people be made aware of the existence of these camps.

A government that has shown such a blatant disregard for the rule of law and a wanton wasting of human life would surely not hesitate to label you or I as an "enemy combatant."

I believe America is beginning to wake up. This can't be allowed to continue. If we don't stand up together against this criminal and murderous regime the horrors could be just beginning.

Saturday relaxation

Spelled "c-l-e-a-n t-h-e h-o-u-s-e." I moved the dining table out and .. there's a DINING ROOM again for the first time in seven months. I brought the black quarter round book case into my bedroom to hold pictures; now I have a bunch of books that I need to find a home for.

Laundering towels now - they're in the dryer for the second go-round. I guess that it's the .. cheapest electric dryer one can buy? It is now taking two cycles of drying to get anything cotton dry. Stupid. I was checking out the LG front load sets yesterday at homo depot; they're pretty darned cool.

In a moment, I have to pull out the vacuum cleaned and see if it's feeling like picking anything up off the floor today. It just needs help (spelled replacement.) I still need a breakfast set, and have to figure out what to do with the bedroom that's been organized as an office all of this time. I'm not really working out of there anymore, although this weekend I have a ton of things that need to be done. I think I'm going to just get it sorted out, everything put away, and then use it as a storage room, etc.

A friend has asked if he could move in; if that comes to pass, I'll put him there. If not, then I'll have room for Bram's furniture if he decides to move it from Atlanta. He hates Houston, and wants to move back to Atlanta, so moving his furniture feels to him like a concession. So, I don't know what's going to happen with that room just yet.

I've been watching the light in the sky as it's changed from dark to bright, from cloudy to overcast today. I've been enjoying just sitting here in the living room; this is my only break for another week.

Barney is just getting SO feeble. Mikey's going to tell me I should take him to the SPCA and leave him there permanently, but .. he's not ready for that just yet.

After vacuuming, I think my next trick is going to be mopping the floors.

I'm sitting here really enjoying knowing that my air conditioner isn't running. That means that I'm not spending $20 today on electricity.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

20 Sound Bites To Describe Conservative Republicans

Reposted - meaning, that I'm promoting someone else's work =)

1. Republicans cut and run on Osama Bin Laden and increased terrorism around the world.
2. Republicans believe in helping defense contractors not national defense.
3. Class warfare Republicans believe in raising middle class taxes to cut taxes for corporations and the ultra rich.
4. Republicans put the fear of terrorism over the prevention of terrorism.
5. Republicans believe in illegal wiretapping and illegal surveillance of individuals not court approved warrants.
6. Republicans believe govt owns your womb, not women.
7. Republicans believe in protecting polluters, not people.
8. Republicans believe that HMO bureaucrats and insurance companies should be making health care decisions, not patients and doctors.
9. Republicans invaded Iraq for profit and ignored Al Qaeda.
10. Republicans believe in increasing college tuition costs and decreasing the quality of education.
11. Republicans believe in forced prayer upon people not respecting the individual right to pray.
12. Republicans believe in corporate welfare, not small businesses.
13. Republicans believe that elitists are free to do as they please and that laws don't apply to them.
14. Republicans believe that they should decide what TV shows you watch, not parents.
15. Republicans oppose a meritocracy and believe in the good ole boys network.
16. Republicans support affirmative action for lesser able, lesser qualified inheritors of wealth, and oppose equal opportunity for everyone else.
17. Republicans believe they should regulate your bedroom activities, not individual adults.
18. Republicans believe in increasing deficits and stealing from the treasury.
19. Republicans believe in fiction not science.
20. Republicans oppose individual religious freedom but seek to impose their talibanish views on others through government.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Monday, monday ver. unknown

I'm at the OFFICE. Who would have thought? In a short time, I have to go up to Lake Conroe to visit a client. It's day three of dark and rainy, but today we add steamy.

Moved some of my personal office stuff up here to the office yesterday; tomorrow, I'm bringing more. My monitor stand, a surge protector, etc. I've ordered another Treo cradle and charger, and a new battery, since mine's DEAD. That's D-E-D dead.

This little cube thing is kind of cute, actually. It's private enough. I can hear nearly everything.

I've got the docking station thing working here, with the full sized keyboard and monitor, which is kind of cool. I'd love to have a much bigger monitor.

I was just thinking how unusual it was to be up and out; it feels so much more connected to be driving into work, getting cleaned up at the beginning of the day, having some (limited) interaction with those people around me ..

I should call up to the client and see if they're able to get in and out with the rain today.