Saturday, October 21, 2006

Saturday relaxation

Spelled "c-l-e-a-n t-h-e h-o-u-s-e." I moved the dining table out and .. there's a DINING ROOM again for the first time in seven months. I brought the black quarter round book case into my bedroom to hold pictures; now I have a bunch of books that I need to find a home for.

Laundering towels now - they're in the dryer for the second go-round. I guess that it's the .. cheapest electric dryer one can buy? It is now taking two cycles of drying to get anything cotton dry. Stupid. I was checking out the LG front load sets yesterday at homo depot; they're pretty darned cool.

In a moment, I have to pull out the vacuum cleaned and see if it's feeling like picking anything up off the floor today. It just needs help (spelled replacement.) I still need a breakfast set, and have to figure out what to do with the bedroom that's been organized as an office all of this time. I'm not really working out of there anymore, although this weekend I have a ton of things that need to be done. I think I'm going to just get it sorted out, everything put away, and then use it as a storage room, etc.

A friend has asked if he could move in; if that comes to pass, I'll put him there. If not, then I'll have room for Bram's furniture if he decides to move it from Atlanta. He hates Houston, and wants to move back to Atlanta, so moving his furniture feels to him like a concession. So, I don't know what's going to happen with that room just yet.

I've been watching the light in the sky as it's changed from dark to bright, from cloudy to overcast today. I've been enjoying just sitting here in the living room; this is my only break for another week.

Barney is just getting SO feeble. Mikey's going to tell me I should take him to the SPCA and leave him there permanently, but .. he's not ready for that just yet.

After vacuuming, I think my next trick is going to be mopping the floors.

I'm sitting here really enjoying knowing that my air conditioner isn't running. That means that I'm not spending $20 today on electricity.

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