Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Happy Hump Day

Drove from one side of the county to the next today. Scarlett is dirty. I mean, DIRTY. She needs floor mats (I've ordered the color swatches) and the phone mount, and .... well, cleaning.

I got an EZtag for her today; and almost backed into a light pole at Dr. Rick's office. As I came into the parking lot, I could see that the light pole was right behind where I was parking. I thought that I needed to be very careful as I backed out of the space after having my head rotated. That lasted right up until the time that he rotated my head, and then I totally forgot that the light pole was behind me.

I threw her in gear, backed up without looking and ... as I finished the turn, I saw the light post RIGHT. NEXT. TO. MY. WINDOW.

Yowie. Saved by .. no one's sure.

Waiting for the sheets to finish in the washer so I can heave them into the dryer and then put them on the bed and get into them.

The lender's realtor called Susan today and said that they were going to counter. They're also going to list the house for $250M, which is a real giggle, considering that the house across the street (listed for more than a year) has been at $249,900 for 90 days with no one even LOOKING at it. One more bedroom, and 300 more square feet, and immaculate.

We'll see what develops next.

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