Friday, December 22, 2006

The Last Friday

So, a few final notes before the holidaze takes over:

  1. The correct phrase is "couldn't have cared less." Think about it - if you COULD have cared less, then you cared to some extent. So, if your concern about a person or a situation has zeroed out, and you haven't a spare ion of mental focus for them - you COULD NOT CARE LESS than the amount that you do. The contraction for could not being "couldn't," please spend some of your New Year's resolve speaking your lack of concern properly.
  2. Another correct phrase, but far more obscure. People express their anxiousness by saying "I waited with baited breath," as if they've set out a deer lick for the time clock. The correct phrase is "with abated breath," abated meaning interrupted. In other words, you're HOLDING YOUR BREATH waiting on the outcome. "Abated breath."
  3. There is a riot of people who incorrectly use "me" and "I" these days, with most people saying "I" improperly. Such as "Here is a picture of the Divo and I." Uh, no. You wouldn't say "here is a picture of I." It even sounds funny. Here's how to distinguish between which you should be using: Drop out the "and However you would refer to just yourself is 99.44% of the time the way it should be done.
  4. Irregardless of what you think, Irregardless contradicts what it is you want to express. When someone says "irregardless," they intend to say that they are not considering the other possibilities. When you ad "ir-" as a prefix to a word, it means not : NON-, UN- - So, when you say "irregardless," what you're REALLY saying is "Not regardless." WHen you strike out the inherent double negative, you're saying "with regard." Which is the opposite of what you have in mind.
Okay, so that's a good start.

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