Thursday, September 15, 2005

Thursday we throw out the trash

Had an email from the hookah this morning after our much less than pleasing IM conversation last night. He writes:

so whos playing are u mad over 40 bucks or what?? man
u know im a very busy boy. so what does this mean
exactly? should i not call or anything else any more
or what?? if i dont hear from u i will know to leave u
alone. ANYWAY thankx for all your hospitality, u
really are a great host and cool to hang with as well
sorry u feel this way.

I replied:

Okay, firstly, when I gave you the $40, I told you that I had no expectation that you would ever pay me back. I was GIVING you the $40. Therefore, I don't think about it, nor expect it back.

For me, this is about being told that I acted badly when I tried to protect myself in a business transaction by the SECOND "model" who couldn't keep a commitment or communicate. I had two photographers and a studio booked for Friday; I have to get the "models" into costumes that fit, and you couldn't reply, respond, or tell me to just go fuck myself. Then, when I mention to you that it's all called off and I am going another way, you tell me I'm treating you badly.

In our conversation last night, you told me you wanted me to come pick you up so you could come do your laundry. You want me to drive 40 minutes to pick you up, bring you back here, feed you, drive you back .. for what? The only time my company is good for you is when you need something? And you wonder why I would find that offensive? You were going to come stay for a few days earlier in the week and then just .. didn't call, didn't communicate - totally blew me off.

So, no, I'm not going to provide you with any more support services. If you want to be friends, you can figure out how that works. But, how you're doing me up until now isn't friendship, and isn't even the courtesy you'd provide a paying trick.

I woke up at 04:00, frustrated and angry. I tried to meditate a while, but that didn't seem to be going anywhere, so I just came in here and wrote the two documents that this woman wanted yesterday, and sent them off to her. Now, I guess I'll take the dogs out and make coffee, and get working (again) on this horrific mess that's occupying the floor, the desk, and every flat surface in here - all these papers that "pass" for records to support this tax return I'm supposed to have done by noon. There's a fair chance that I'm going to say "well, you waited until 36 hours before the deadline and then gave me a huge mess. You're just going to have to endure the consequences of paying the late filing penalty."

Last night, as I watched yet another movie aggrandizing young, lean men, I thought "what does it demonstrate, the ability to lift pieces of metal and make your body pretty?" Does it heal the sick? Feed the hungry? Repair social injustice? Create economic benefit?

Coupled with arrogance, this fixation on beauty is chilling. What I read in people's thoughts is derisive and judgmental; if you're old or if you're "fat," you are without value, even for conversation or friendship. How do I respond? I don't know yet.

However, I'm formulating some ideas.

Last night, I had some emails from CP; a loan officer (who participated in a good and healthy screwing administered to my income last month) has brought us two deals; CP forwarded them to me for processing. The loan officer sent CP a crappy email instructing CP to have me do thus and so "first thing tomorrow" and said that he would be "bussy and couldn't remember to call" CP about it.

He can go FUCK himself. I have this tax swamp to work through and loans of my own to work on.

No more support services for self-indulgent rat bastards.

Went into the Evite last night and deleted about 20 people - mostly for violations of that very policy. If this turns out to be a gathering of my church members and two other people, so be it.

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