Sunday, September 11, 2005

a conversation with the minx

My sweet minx and I were chatting online, as we are wont to do, and I began to tell him the full story of Michael's visit last night. I then realized that I had not told that story here, and, rather than re-typing it, I thought I would merely transcribe same and reveal to everyone the Minx's special wit and magic.

DrDivo1: So, I had a man spend the night last night

The Minx: anyone i know?

DrDivo1: he's on ..

DrDivo1: his picture's on the blog

The Minx: ah

The Minx: i will investigate

DrDivo1: his name is michael

DrDivo1: a North Carolina boy

The Minx: whoo

The Minx: tasty

DrDivo1: he's powerful sexy

DrDivo1: I took him to dinner last night, and had n-o-t-h-i-n-g to talk to him about

DrDivo1: I think he was intimidated -

The Minx: by your vast intelligence

DrDivo1: anyway, he and I had planned the whole time that he would be spending the night (since he lives in Pasa-get-down-dena)

DrDivo1: and he fell asleep on the sofa nearly as soon as the movie started on the TV

The Minx: why do people live outstide the beltway it boggles my mind

DrDivo1: he's a.) living with an older gay man b.) in a totally crappy one bedroom apartment c.) doesn't have a job d.) isn't 'gay' e.) is a total hoot

DrDivo1: he and I talk on the phone for hours. When he got into the car and I took him to dinner, he got really shut down.

The Minx: sometimes it's a lot harder face to face

DrDivo1: anyway, after the movie ended, he bounded up off the sofa, ran into my bedroom, flopped down on the bed and said "this is where I'm sleeping, what about you?"

The Minx: how cute

DrDivo1: anyway, he wanted a massage. About ten minutes later, he was naked. W-O-O-F. Fuzzy from the hips to the ankles.

The Minx: looks like he's got a nice torso

DrDivo1: he does

DrDivo1: anyway, after I massaged him front and back (he never got erect, giving credence to the str8 assertion) he asked for a pair of shorts, and then crawled into bed. No snogging, but he was in constant body contact all night. This morning, he says 'you're great to sleep with."

The Minx: this new breed of man is truly strange

DrDivo1: he asked if he could move in

DrDivo1: well, he asked IF his room mate was still acting weird, could he "hang out with me for a few days"

DrDivo1: which is "new breed" speak for "can I move in?"

The Minx: i'm going to have to move in for a bit... it's aparently the thing to do

DrDivo1: (ROFL)

DrDivo1: anyway

DrDivo1: he was to come back over today, but he has again gone incommunicado

The Minx: definitely part of the new breed programming

DrDivo1: totally

DrDivo1: he's a hookah

DrDivo1: to men

DrDivo1: and bitches about it non-stop, because he says that men touching his body is annoying

The Minx: pulease

DrDivo1: however, he revealed last night (when he barricaded himself into the bed with pillows) that he first was living with/supported by a man when he was 18

DrDivo1: then, he ditched ALL the pillows

The Minx: and all his clothes!

DrDivo1: except for the black boxer briefs which he had donned

The Minx: ah

DrDivo1: then, he began to talk in his sleep and toss and turn all night, all the while making sure he was in constant body contact

The Minx: sounds like the man has issues

DrDivo1: I was just typing "he has issues"

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