Sunday, August 15, 2004

Yeah, I know that it's 2:45 a.m.

I was awakened by: 1.) the ongoing stream of people blowing their horns in the parking garage, 2.) others in the parking garage yelling at each other, 3.) someone setting off a car's theft alarm that sounded enough like Ruby's that I had to get up and check it out, and 4.) even more of all of the above.

So, awakened, dressed and such, I had to come back to the computer to check things out.

The mormon wrote me back about 2:00 this morning; I had sent him a copy of this incredible letter that a minister wrote about homosexuality; he wrote back that the guy was clearly biased (he's not) and that he is going against the bible (he's not) and that homosexuals (like me) were just trying to justify their actions, blah, blah, blah. I doubt he read past the opening paragraphs. Anyway, I dragged his file envelope into the spam folder, and that's the end of that one.

You, however, can read this amazing letter at letter

It's close enough now to 3:00 that hopefully, all the straight people who have been partying at the Red Door have left (our parking garage here at AMLI Midtown is the de facto parking facility for this very busy club)

I'm thinking of doing something subversive. Like, next Saturday night, around 12:30 a.m., calling for a wrecker service to come tow away EVERY SINGLE CAR THAT'S PARKED IN THE PARKING GARAGE WITHOUT A RESIDENT STICKER.

I wonder if I can get away with that.

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