Friday, August 13, 2004

So strange. Anyone who's perused my blog for any length of time can tell that the ONLY people I say anything vaguely negative about are those who:

1.) Are taking advantage of me
2.) People who expect me to do their work for them without compensation
3.) Men who stand me up
4.) People who do the business equivalent; change the deal after we've agreed
5.) People who lie to me
6.) That's pretty much it

Big surprise, I am not the world's best at direct communication when someone is being hypocritical, self-serving, lying or cruel to me. I guess part of that is that I am so stunned when someone openly lies, changes the deal, or otherwise acts in such a way that has absolutely no integrity that I don't get aggressive and in their faces. I do speak quietly and directly, albeit not IMMEDIATELY. I point out that what they are saying is not what they have said or what has happened.

So, I've gotten myself in "hot water" twice in the last week by having this blog read by people of whom I have spoken less then completely positively over the past two years. One was my own fault and oversight, but the other was someone who went out of his way to DIG THROUGH THE INTERNET TO SEE IF I'D SAID ANYTHING BAD ABOUT HIM.

Guilty conscience? Wait, I forgot, people like you have no conscience.

Interestingly enough, both of the people who got so very upset with my journal (the concept of which is stream-of-consciousness writing for someone who needs to express themselves in writing) can't argue that I've been unjust, inaccurate or cruel in my statements. THERE ARE WITNESSES TO THESE EVENTS, AND THEY READ THIS TOO.

Pleh. Get over yourselves. You treat someone badly, don't be surprised to find out that the world knows.

Travis is supposed to be coming over in about an hour. It will be great to see him.

Got a TON done today; credit protests mostly. Have more work to do this weekend.

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