Monday, July 26, 2004

God, more bizarre dreams last night.  Exhausting.  I don't even really remember what they were about last night.

Walking the dogs this morning, I got to thinking that I really don't want to split fees with MJV anymore, so I went to the ProSeries website and ordered up a demo package.  Seems that I can buy my own copy with a license for 50 returns for $250.  Why, that's less than what I'd have to give over to him for ONE big corporate return!  I just don't know if I can qualify through the background suitability check for being an e-filer, but I'm sure I can figure that out.

I have to get into the shower in 15 minutes to leave for "work."  I really don't want to go, but Lance and I have agreed that we'll both show up this morning.  I'm not doing any more meetings, and I'm not doing any more sales presentations, webinars, demos, nothing.  No more.

Anyway, Eric has taken on, unasked, the project of converting my website to a non-flash site; I'll be able to host google ads there and have a bunch more content over on that side.  He also suggested a "martinimotorist" website .. another avenue for me to have more google ads.

I don't know how long I'll be at "work" today - could be fairly short, and me coming home with a box full of my stuff.  Wouldn't hurt my feelings in the slightest.

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