Saturday, November 12, 2005

VW Phaeton - SOLD!

I picked up my new Automobile magazine from the mailbox today. I didn't look at it until Nick was nearly in Harris County, and then, I find a six page wrap-up article about the Four Seasons test they did with a VW Phaeton. They LOVED it, aside from the awful dealer service, and the electrical gremlins. LOVED it. "Seats from the Gods."

Nick saw one on the interstate this morning just before he got to Little Rock. He's now very excited about them, also.

Nick got here at about 5:30. He came in the door and a glitter bomb of a smile burst across his face. He's very happy. He has his favorite blankie and pillows, and he's made himself a nest on the sofa.

Lisa (from church) has set herself up with IM so that she and I can talk all the time. That's just so damned awesome. She's terrific to talk to; I'm so lucky that I've got her in my life.

So, a hooker update. The hooker was working me over earlier today, and he told me he wanted to come over and do the work that I had hired him to do months ago. After some to-ing and fro-ing, it came to pass that he was going to do it to clear the slate - not for new money. Blah, blah - he wants to "hang out" and take me to lunch and such. Yeah, whatever Mary Francis. He tells me some guy is going to pick him up and bring him into town, and he'll be over around 2:00. Then, around 2:00, he calls and says it's going to be about 4:00. He calls again around 6:00 and says "things have come up."

Well, it seems that these things are that his trick took him to an hourly motel, and after two and half hours of fooling around, the trick ditched him without paying him. He was there with no money and no ride, and he starts text messaging me asking me for a ride home. This went on for a few hours, and it got funnier and funnier (to me.) I haven't yet had a chance to suggest to him that perhaps karma was returning to him the behavior he's already demonstrated. Anyway, he's now clear that I'm not coming to get him, and I guess he's finding someone to take care of his needs.

Okay, it's pretty much time to take the dogs outside, and then hit the sack. I didn't get a nap today.

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