Monday, November 07, 2005

Monday post #2

Well, I feel a bit better, having cleared through my task list for today, and processed most of the paper lingering about. Tomorrow, I only have to work on the Fabulair business plan. And maybe some dusting. And floor cleaning.

Meeting Guy in about 90 minutes for a walk around Memorial Park.

I got out a Fabulair omnibus email this afternoon that I've been thinking about for a few days. That made me feel a lot better.

Got a model of a Phaeton in the mail today - I bought it on eBay a few days ago. It has the four seat package! Very cool. It's attached to its base - I'll have to figure out how to unattach it so I can fiddle with it some.

Watching a Peter Sarsgaard movie - "Center of the World." Very interesting stuff. It started out fast, and now it's kind of a cross between 9 1/2 weeks and Blade Runner. Which isn't to say something kind about it.

Nick leaves for Houston in the morning - It's going to take him nearly 24 hours to drive down here.

Hopefully, once he gets here, he can start loading up all my stuff onto eBay and get more space cleared out here. I keep finding stuff that I can unload. I think maybe tomorrow, I'll take a BIG pass through here and collect a bunch of stuff to list and sell.

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