Thursday, November 10, 2005

Thursday evening post-class

Wow - what a class. We talked about many things, but I got so MANY pearls of wisdom - I hope that I can remember them all.

Debbie talked about, in business - energy attracts energy. That was powerful - then, we distinguised that we attracted people into our lives that push us - and that when they do push us, we have to look at how the events or person makes us FEEL. Then, we can develop what we WANT to feel, and start to attract situations and persons that support that desire.

I have a lot of journaling to do. Maybe later.

Nick is, of course, indulging in more drama. Now, he's going to leave in the morning. At some point, he'll stop calling and telling me what is inhibiting him from leaving, and either confess that he's not coming or tell me he's on the way.

In the meantime, I'm going to spend time thinking about what I want to feel - and work on that.

Oh, I think it's time for some sleep.

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