Sunday, April 17, 2005

Saturday evening, from a new computer

Does it show?

I'm trying to figure out several new features and things that this machine will do - it's too late to fiddle with configuration issues, and I have SO much to get done tomorrow.

My friend Donna asks:

What if there is no God?

And I think maybe there isn't. (Darlene, read Doug's message below.)

What if WE are all we've got? That there is no "higher power." No "universe." No "something greater than ourselves."

Think about a car. It has all it needs to run, built in. What if we're like that. We have all the power we need in us. Of course, we hear this all the time. But in new thought we're taught to rely on - wait for - the universe to bring us what we want. Ernest Holmes said it's our job to decide what we want. It's the universe's job to say how and when. That's where that serenity comes from. "It'll come when it's SUPPOSED to." When the hell is that? There is only NOW.

How is that any different than fundamentalism? Relying on an outside power to generate our lives?

I think maybe we're a complete package. I think the "higher power" is our Higher Self. I imagine it connected like a kite, but of such a high vibration we can't see it. It has the vision, we have the legs to move forward. What if we are all alone? Pretty scary, huh? What if YOU are an illusion in MY world? Even scarier?

This has had me thinking all afternoon and evening.

What about past life memories? What about working examples of cause and effect?

What about the commonly held belief across all religions that there is a higher power?

Is that all just bupkiss to sate the human need for "why?" Why have I had the experience of "oneness?" Is that just crap?

Went out on Safari tonight - BORing. Tristan was VERY sweet, and seemed to suggest he wants to hang out tomorrow. He seems like a nice man.

It's almost 1:00 a.m., and so it's nearly time to get some sleep. I'll have more to say about change, creating change, and whether there is a God or not in the morning.

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