Saturday, April 23, 2005

Sunny days in YVR

So, firstly, we have to lay down and pay homage to Buhzilly who not only took me on a tour of CO ship 014 (Peter Max aka Mad Max) last night, but who got me upgarded on my flight up here last night.

They said that the flight was four hours and five minutes, but we left the gate at 8:38 and arrived at 11:07 and there were two hours consumed by time shifting, which by my way of counting is five hours. An agreeable flight, but very bumpy (not airline control issues) and they played the movie "Finding Neverland" which was charming.

The YVR airport is STUNNING - it's gorgeous, well thought out, peaceful ..

Of course, coming in at midnight, I didn't have a chance to see much. E's condo is lovely - LOVELY. We stayed up until about 2:00 nattering, and then went to sleep. It's a gorgeous, sunny day and we're about to run out and see some things.

The boy told me last night on the phone that he loved me. Wild.

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