Monday, April 18, 2005

Monday, Monday ver. 630.01

More thoughts inspired by Donna's comments of the other day about the existence of God (this was my response this morning):

I thought about this last night for a long time.

I've decided that Donna brings up a point that can't be argued successfully (right now) about whether there is a God-presence. The very nature of our ongoing discussion that "there is only one" suggests that there is no separate, all-knowing wizard God that I cannot (until Donna started this thread) divorce from my thoughts about how things work.

Last night, though, I went to quantum physics to associate with the oneness. That concept that everything is wave energy until observed (whether visually or through creative imagination, which is vision without response to external stimulus) I think, irrefutably exists, and responds to our thoughts. What if Donna is right in that we're all that there is, but that the collection of all of the "we" out there create a common intelligence that does know everything?

Anyway, I think that this discussion just leads to the conclusion that we (you, you and me) MUST take on active creativity in directing how we want the world to work and exist for us. In this manner, what we're studying is absolutely valid, as it focuses on control of thought patterns, guiding our thought patterns, and uncovering/releasing old/existing belief structures and (my favorite) self-definitions that pump out into the creative whole and pollute what we are intentionally trying to create.

Given that our experiences are defined by what we understand about ourselves and the world around us, it still seems to me that everything still happens at the perfect time - not because (necessarily) some God-control panel says so, but because, as we individually have the ability to move forward, our understanding or seeing of an event, whether now or past, changes and we are able to accept a different interpretation or choice.

I think that the collective medium is benign, neither positive or negative except as the collective thinking into it shapes it. As soon as the collective medium stops receiving input that we would judge as "negative," it stops producing "negative." In that, it is "forgiving," as it remembers nothing and judges nothing.

It is the ultimate definition of "being in the now."


There could be a new tenant in the Casita de Divo home for wayward bois. Tristan, who's really Jason, is a bartender/barback at our sleazy home away from home, EJ's. The place where my evil friend Mikey and I go to harass hustlers and ogle South African bartenders.

Said Tristan had difficulty in his living environment with his brother two Saturdays ago, and I offered him a place to stay for the night. He demurred, and stayed somewhere else. Saturday night last, I chided him for not calling to let me know he was okay, and he laughed, but said he'd call in the future. And, at 4:48 a.m. Sunday morning, he did. He called again around noon and asked if I wanted to hang out with him; he's been fun to be around, and I invited him to stay over, since he had a court appointment this morning at 9:00.

Right now, he's snoozing on the bed next to the computer desk. Things went well for him this morning, and I'm enjoying him being around. He's a very fun, pleasant man.

Of course, I reserve the right to pitch him out on his ear with accompanying complaints, but for now ..

I've gotten most of my homework for tonight's class completed, and it's time to finish that, and move on to the next project. I wrote out thank you cards to all of the tax clients and got them mailed off; that's nice to have that done. I got the re-registered on the new machine, got some things faxed off, others mailed off, things are rocking right along.

I've decided against buying new jeans for the boy in YVR; even though E says I should bring them, I think I'll buy lunch or something instead. I reserve the right to change my mind, of course...

Interesting week lined up - lunch tomorrow with the lady from Olivia cruise lines, lunch Wednesday with Jayce (subject to cancellation,) board meeting Wednesday night, dinner with my sister's partner Thursday night, and then Friday evening - off to YVR!

Sending out little note cards that I found in a drawer over the weekend - who knew I had them?

Okay, still busying myself with busy work instead of tackling the hard stuff. BLEH.

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