Saturday, April 16, 2005

Review, revised

I spent some time last night re-reading my posts from late 2002 and early 2003. I'm sort of processing through all of that; it seems to me that I haven't had any material change in my circumstanes, only the anxiety has abated sharply.

Oh, and I used to write better. It was more engaging, but more dramatic.

So, is that acceptable? I think not. The level of change, not the writing quality.

I'm busily installing software on my new hard drive.. we're doing a total re-format re-install of everything to get it cleaned up. It's amazing how much software there IS to install. I have discs of stuff that I just don't need anymore (outdated, whatever) and so another thing we're going to do is to nuke all the CD-ROMs that are no longer needed.

I noticed how much (nearly everything) of my "wish" list I had completed over the two years in the review period. Most of that has been done THIS year. Now, there is yet more stuff to be sorted, cleaned, tossed out, whatever. Amazing. However, things are in relatively decent shape as far as home maintenance goes.

By tomorrow evening, I'll have everything done save for the Fabulair business plan and the mortgage business plan (which I haven't started writing yet.) That will occupy next week, I guess.

I have to write a eulogy for myself - set in the future - by Monday night. I really have it rattling around in my head. This issue of change - directing it or just responding to it - is going to be central in what I do write for the project.

Still installing software. CP has convinced me to work with him in the mortgage business, on the side, and recruiting realtors as loan officers. Sounds very interesting.

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