Thursday, April 20, 2006

Thursday ... has the heat broken yet?

So, Dennis (The Minx) has taken to blogging, and he's damned good at it! Fun to read. Daily, I head over to his little piece to see what he's had to say, and when he's posted it always puts a grin on my face.

I also have a big old smile on my face because Daniel came last night and cleaned the garage. When Barbara looked in there this morning, she was verbally impressed. She's now helping me load up with car with the garage sale stuff for next weekend, which will empty out the unstair closet and allow me to push MORE stuff in there.

Mitch claims that he's having someone come to pick up his giant TV this weekend. Of course, he's made that claim before. However ..

And, hanging up all of the pictures in my room makes me much happier - many of the pictures are old magazine ads for the Lockheed Constellation that I've had in a drawer for years, because there was no place to put them. That's very cool. Unfortunately, I now have to deal with the concept of ALL of the unframed posters that are occupying the "extra" room. Perhaps it's time to throw in the towel and push them out onto eBay. Some of them are EXTREMELY rare.

I met with Tom (there's almost no one sweeter than Tom is) last night for nearly three and a half hours about my various web projects. He's already built a template (that's very very cool) for them, and is going to work already on getting a timeline/project order done, and starting the work on them. How wonderful! I've been waiting for so long to make some strides in this area.

Okay, it's time to be productive..

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