Friday, April 21, 2006

Friday night late

What an interesting afternoon. The Berryhill guy came by around 1:00 and spent four hours here, talking to me about his business decisions. Four hours. "Me being friendly." Well, it is his birthday this weekend.

So, I didn't get the work done that I planned to. Babs worked on my class reunion planning all afternoon, and created a list of everyone for whom we didn't have email contact information. She worked on the website, and couldn't get them added into the "missing" classmates list, so tonight I gave it a shot. I spent an hour inputing the 220 names, clicked on "send," and .. poof .. it was all gone.

How annoying is that?

I spent a bunch of time talking to another consultant about a mutual client, and dug up some bylaws for him. So, I guess I worked until about 9:00 tonight.

Lately, I've been having deep and sharp chest pains. Strange. It's in my sternum, not underneath. I think. However, it's keeping me awake. At night. Yep. I'm giong to speak to the doctor about it on Friday.

The blood glucose medication causes heart attack after long term useage. Fun stuff.

I need to go see Lloyd. My body is very sore lately, which is from stress or .. from stress.

A busy morning tomorrow. Ruby's packed with stuff for the church garage sale, and riding on her butt. I don't know whether I should unload everything out of her before running around the County tomorrow morning, or whatever.

I'm invited to Philip's birthday party tomorrow night. (sigh)

I'm watching the Enron movie on DVD. It's very very interesting.

I'm wide awake (of course,) and have to pop out of bed in the morning and do a bunch of work before leaving for the north part of the county for a study group. Yurg.

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