Monday, April 17, 2006

Monday, Monday ver. 774.01

Well an interesting day all around.

Ruby's butt is going to cost $250 to fix tomorrow (since I can't drive her in this condition, I have little choice.) I have a bunch of tax returns to do up tomorrow. That's a good thing, because I can get paid for them. I need to cook up some more cabbage this week, as the pool is going to cost $360 to clean up and then there are the REST of the obligations due .. yowie. And the fact that the yard is a disaster.

I have three loans going on suddenly. That's good; they'll all close as the next thirty days go by. Tomorrow was supposed to be the meeting with the Dutch investors who need book keeping. I wonder what happened to them. No word from my friend who was making the introduction.

Been talking today to a very nice guy - he lives just up the street. He just got laid off today. Divorced, my age, red hair, very handsome. He hosted singles cruises. Can you spell "FABULAIR?"

Where and when is there enough time in the day to get everything done? I spent some time today moving books upstairs into book cases. I have all the 110 year old books from my grandfather's house that are going to Half Price books in the morning.

Then, there is the big load of metaphysical books that are in a suitcase in the closet, but they have no home for the moment.

Running into resistance with the new car financing. Blarg. I don't know yet what the magic formula is going to be.

Anyway. More to be done. Until later!

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