Sunday, January 08, 2006

Should I stay or should I go?

Church this morning was very good - I was explaining how the Science of Mind works - people seemed to be very pleased.

After church, we went to Sartin's for lunch and our board meeting. Meeting went well; then, we got up to leave and I sliced the snot out of my left ring finger putting my bag over my head. I bled EVERYWHERE. I don't think I've ever bled that much.

I just looked at it thinking .. uh, well .. what do you know? I had many people ministering to me (and wiping up the blood.) Now it's just inconvenient to type with.

Lined up classes that I'll be teaching at NV starting in Feburary; and immediately realized that I need to change the dates, as they will conflict with San Jac teaching.

Got home around 5:45 today - a very full day.

Had a quick conversation tonight with C, who was asking me about my Hallowe'en trip to Dallas - he started asking me about different "events" - it was a "sister say WHAT?" moment. Like, which trip to Dallas had he heard about? The trips I've taken bore no resemblance to what he'd heard. Went to Jack in the Box and picked up who? I didn't have a car! I didn't drive that entire weekend, except when I test drove the Phaeton.

So, more hostility from the leasing office. And more loud banging from upstairs. My lease is up March 6 - my time to give notice is already passed, but I could certainly have Mike F. help me nuke them and get me out. But, where to go?

My blood sugar is totally catawampus again. Blarg.

Where did I put my interview on Fox 26? I can't find the tape.

I had more profound pontificating planned for tonight, but it seems to have escaped me.

Heard from Wolfram tonight:

Wolrfram "I'm breathing again."
Divo "I guess breathing is a good thing."
Wolfram "Back to work for more auditing."
Divo "Tonight? It's 800 pm in the evening."
Wolfram "Yeah. Sigh."
Divo "You didn't hear? Lincoln freed the slaves. So, why communication all of a sudden?"
Wolfram "B told me you asked if I was okay. Busy as hell, but okay."
Divo "Ah. Actually, I asked if she'd heard from you. So, had I not triangulated with her, you would yet be silent? Nice."

No further word.

Had another conversation today that was interesting (they're all interesting, after my conversation with Lisa today.) A guy that I've had ONE date with asks me why I don't like him. Ver. 214.11 ugh. "Why am I the one who always initiates these conversations? Blah, blah." He asked me to be honest. So, after gathering my words, I told him that every conversation with him required that I either assuage his hurt feelings because I had had a phone call, or a fax, or an email that interrupted my immediate response to his hails, OR he asked me why I didn't like him or want to date him, which also required assuagement. Thus, I said, I avoid these conversations, as they're difficult, repetitive and whiney.


He says "okay, I can accept that." And promptly begins to tell me that he's worried about me, as I'm the worst workaholic he knows. Uh .. who? Who are you speaking about? You can't follow my somewhat vague, but very clear statement should have included the obvious "I'm making excuses to deflect having to tell you that you're too difficult to spend time with." Along with the fact that the one time we did go out, I thought you were going to eat my face when we had a good night kiss. YUCK.

I've begun to notice that some of my more ... right-wing .. friends have begun to speak with a tone of resignation about the future of the Republicans, and have begun to back away from their association with these folk. It's been very subtle. I think that as this information continues to cascade out - as dots continue to be connected - it's going to get worse.

At which point, I intend to take a baseball bat to anyone who beat the crap out of me about Clinton's blowjob if they aren't crawling on the floor, begging forgiveness for the hypocrisy.

Gently, of course.

Read Philip's blog tonight. He's having a roaring time in Oz. Just totally not my speed or style. I'm glad he's having the trip of his dreams, though.

2 comments: said...

Which was more exciting? The blood and gore with lunch or your talk? I missed both, damn it.

Sorry you feel you have to move...your apt is wonderful and in a great location. And where to go? Another one in the same complex away from the noisy duo?

The GAL show is looking great (yay me!)in spite of having to include some really crappy work and ArtWalk is on the 21rst. Do you have any Fabulair sweatshirts? You should come as we should have a fair turn-out unless it is cold and rainy. The mal-contents won't show I'm sure so the energy should be good. Yay!! said...

P.S. I don't think I have any right wing friends...lucky you?