Friday, September 02, 2005

The password is gen

The password is …… “genocide.”

First, it’s clear to me that what is happening in New Orleans now is genocide.  It may not be the organized effort as we’ve seen in the Sudan, in Rwanda, or in Bosnia, but it is clearly genocide.  Those poor, uneducated people in New Orleans are being left to die with malice.  The Federal government, operating consistent with the conservative/Republican dogma of “let them help themselves” or “give the government money to the faith based organizations and let them do it” is now examined for the bankrupt, murdering policy that it really is.  The Federal government did not begin to engage the machines that for decades existed to protect and rescue the victims of events not of their own construction until Wednesday, more than two full days after the rising flood waters made for a human catastrophe, and more than five full days after the severity of the situation was evident.  The national guard troops who would have been able to immediately mobilize into their cities and parishes are in Iraq, mobilized to fight a war against a people who never offended nor threatened our way of life, or safety or our persons.  

The “liberal” organizations that come up for criticism by the right-wing media such as have created websites that offer free housing to refugees.  So, these unpatriotic, anti-American organizations that the right-wing media is all geared up about are doing far more than ANY right-wing, Christian organization has even thought up.

Could it be that is because most of the refugees are poor, black people?  

Let’s notice, shall we, that these displaced persons from New Orleans are uniformly called “refugees.”  And, let’s compare the definitions of “refugee” and “evacuee.”

ref·u·gee       Pronunciation Key  (r(image placeholder)f(image placeholder)y(image placeholder)-j(image placeholder)(image placeholder))n.
One who flees in search of refuge, as in times of war, political oppression, or religious persecution.

(image placeholder)
[French réfugié, from past participle of réfugier, to take refuge, from Old French, from refuge, refuge.

e·vac·u·ee       Pronunciation Key  ((image placeholder)-v(image placeholder)k(image placeholder)y(image placeholder)-(image placeholder)(image placeholder))n.
A person evacuated from a dangerous area.

So, why would the “liberal news media” (which for those who haven’t a clue, is merely a corporate shill for the right-wing movement in this country.  The only “liberal” media are the blogs and independent newsletters.  Even NPR has been so compromised that their news articles are replete with conservative pundits so that they appear “balanced.”  Get a fucking clue) use the word “refugee?”  What do they know?

It’s because the people who really run this country, the ones who are never elected, have decided that the “herd” in New Orleans should be culled a bit.  Specifically, the uneducated, poor, black people who so irritated the tourists as they walked the French Quarter.

Actually, I think that the intention goes further than that.  I think that they also intend to purge the French Quarter of its gay inhabitants, people who uniformly tend to be self-employed or small business owners; people who tend not to have enough insurance, and who couldn’t weather four to six months being without income.  

I believe that, after this is all said and done, New Orleans will be a thoroughly sanitized town; suitable for tourists and their credit cards, without the unsightly drag queens and leather daddies, and without the upsetting panhandlers, homeless, drunks and poor people.

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. -- Dwight D. Eisenhower, U.S. general and 34th president (1890-1969)  I like to believe that people in the long run are going to do more topromote peace than our governments. Indeed, I think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get out of the way and let them have it. -Dwight D. Eisenhower, U.S. general and 34th president (1890-1969)

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