Monday, August 29, 2005

Monday, Monday ver 639.01

Lunch time, and a bit of time available to blog.  Have to get a loan worked up and submitted, then have some paperwork to finish, then .. there’s still a huge to-do list, but have I already been cruising through it?  Seems odd that I may have already done.

Perhaps I should empty out my work basket and see what’s in it.

Thought I would have had some sales this morning, but nothing so far.  Perhaps Donna is right, and I will need to pick up the phone and start calling everyone tomorrow to follow up.

Have six books sold on Amazon that I need to wrap up and ship.  I think this will require a trip to OfficeMax to accomplish.  Until then, I need to process paperwork anyway.

The universe says that N8 is not someone to play with.  He’s on my mind, though.

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