Sunday, May 20, 2007

So, we started today with church. Programmed my OnStar voice tags (finally.) Well, some of them, anyway. Today, I was speaking of the Science of Mind as it appears in the bible - so, I walked up the aisle carrying .. a bible. Never have done that before, it was kind of weird.

Went to this Diana party last night, and Tom went with me - he's so much fun to spend time with. It was fun to be out and social; I have spent years NOT doing that, and it's really fun to feel like I'm starting to get back there.

My bedroom is SO cool now that it's all re-arranged. I am now unsure how I should paint it, or if.

I am l-o-v-i-n-g my new punch bowl. How about a picture? Bram says it's the gayest thing he's ever seen.

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So, I got more of what I set out to accomplish did -

I went out to pick up the stuffs at the store, and shortly after my return, Bram got up out of bed (after working all night it's no surprise he needed to sleep in,) and helped me move the furniture around in my bedroom, hang the drapery rod, put said drapes upon it, and take the grill out to the trash along with .. well, the trash.

Here we have a few pictures of the results...

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And, since I don't think that my new man friend will be heard from today, I'll just show you my new favorite picture of David Boreanaz:

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