Saturday, May 19, 2007

Stopped at the dollar general last night on the way to church, and picked up five more hanging basket brackets, which will shortly be installed on the courtyard, along with the two plant hooks that have long languished in the garage since we moved in.

There are four more hanging baskets, each sans occupants, which means that someone (me) is going to have to find suitable tenants for the baskets, and re-plant same, followed by hangings. On the courtyard.

And, I'm going to move the plants around somewhat back there, seeing if I can catch the right mix of sun and rain for the hybiscus, which aren't very happy of late, and the crepe myrtle, which looks perpetually sunburned.

In just a few seconds on, I found a decent drapery rod with finials and hardware, which I will snag on my relatively early morning store visit for miniature flourescent light bulbs, hanging chads (whoops, plants) and vodka. And dry cleaning.

Brought the TV home from church - another project for today will be to re-arrange the bedroom; I've decided that I don't have the gusto to paint.

Maybe NEXT weekend.

I also need to work on my website today. Something that produces income must be done.

Oh, and it would be a really good choice to work on my sermon for tomorrow morning, since I've set the bar fairly high.

Have a Diana social to attend tonight; Tom is going to be my "date," which is a good thing. He was looking SO cute - he had his hair cut and it just makes him look so desireable.

Managed to turn the switch on the camera to the WRONG position, so now its batteries are deader than snot. I was going to snap all kinds of pictures of the flower patch, send 'em to Tom and have him tell me what to pull and what to trim.

I guess I should get to work.

Oh, just since I can't post without showing you something that will broaden your mind, check out the first totally fear-based political ad, from the 1964 Presidential campaign.

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