Sunday, December 10, 2006

Sunday OFF!!!

From the 2003 Pontiac press kit about the 2004 Bonneville GXP (which is what Scarlett is, save that she's an '05):

"Perhaps the best way to define the Bonneville is to describe a typical buyer. (My opinion, not GM's.) "Mid-level male exec in his late 30's or early 40's; lives in the burbs; spends hours on expressways; fascinated by technology and wants his car to be loaded with electronics; has a sentimental yearning for old-fashioned Detroit values; likes to drive hard." If that's you, you'll love this car."

Yowsa. That smarts.

After my slag job on the el crapo show at the Great Caruso .. the place burns out to the foundation. How 'bout them apples?

I spent hours today researching the murder of Judy Saragusa. More will be revealed, but tonight when I was telling the story of her murder and such, I had a little intution that she's going to come visit me again soon. Maybe tonight, even.

Was reflecting this evening on a huge pattern that goes all the way back to being five years old, and how it shows up in housing, career, money, cars, relationships ... it's everywhere. More reflection and meditation is required.

It's about time to put the phone in the charging cradle and hit the sack. John II is gone for the night with his friend Chad from Michigan; he'll be back after lunch tomorrow, I guess. Bram and I have been yakking for hours, and now it's time to see if the pool has enough water in it, and visit the land of dream clues, visiting ghosts of murdered women and other fun stuff.


Gena said...

I am very curious about how Judy Saragusa died. Do you have any information?

Unknown said...

Also curious about the murder of Judy Saragusa hired by Jane Callaway.