Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Humpy hump day

Okay, I'm going to say this for the cheap seats - I AM SICK TO FRACKING DEATH OF IRAQ DOMINATING OUR NEWS. Yes, I am. I've stopped reading even my favorite news blogs and summaries because ALL that anyone talks about is Iraq.

How about homelessness in this country? Or healthcare? Or the enormous deficits that have been racked up? Or the destruction of civil liberties?

Yes, we went in there (illegally, immorally and without any justification at all, even the MOST conservative individual has to now admit that the Iraqis had no weapons, no connection to terrorists, and definately no connection to 9/11.) So, let's just pack up what's left of our military hardware, write them a BIG check by way of apology, and if they decide to route the money into the pockets of those in power, it's no different from all the money we gave to Panama, and Iran, and Vietnam, and all of the other failed regimes that we've plunked into place trying to promote American colonialism and "our way of life."

Couldn't we have just cut the price on Starbucks, Coca-Cola and Madonna and taken over the planet THAT way? Leave the guns at home?

It's the only thing that's worked anyway.

I went to bed early, which necessitates waking up early, it seems. More wrestling with the housing issue in the 4:00 a.m. finance committee meeting. We settled that down, and worked on what it is I'd rather feel than the adreneline rush of a 5 year old wondering what comes next.

I'm sitting in the living room of this fabulous house, reflecting on what it was before I moved in - possibility only. Nothing worked. It was horribly dirty. The pool was green slime. The yard was a wreck. I've made it into something. I have such ideas for what more it could be; but, it's become something worthy in just these few months.

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