Friday, May 05, 2006

Friday - Cinco Splash!

Well, things are getting accomplished today. Brian got here just as advertised, and has pulled down the pool screen from the garage and started to assemble it, moved some old stuff around, hung up the mirror in the downstairs powder room, hung a trim ring, put up some curio shelves, cleaned up the patio, etc., etc. In a short while, we'll be moving the Giant Bedroom Furniture out of the dining room and into the extra bedroom.

Chuck (through internet trickery and intuition) got my fax machine working again. THANK GOD. That has been stressful. A single button, errantly pressed, caused this two week headache.

The pool is gorgeous, the back yard needs a complete going over, and the actual condition of this house became painfully obvious to me yesterday. Wood rot, painting, electrical, cleaning, appliance repair, plus 'greening' the house - insulation, water heater, windows, etc.

The pool needs repair to the heater, the spa aereator, the plaster, the pool light ..

Plus, painting, new counters, more painting, then .. there's the painting.

(sigh) All that said, I just love this house. I do.

I was realizing that I've nearly used half of my ninety days...

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