Friday, December 30, 2005

The last Friday for 2005

Waiting for Mikey to come by - he's coming to meet me for a Whores of Baghdad meeting at EJ's.

Lunch with Lance today seemed strained. Don't know what's going on there.

While I was at lunch, I happened to run into John, the neighborbood mechanic - I asked him to check out my tie rod ends, since I had been told that they were in need of replacement. Uh, seems not so much. Tie rod ends are in great shape. Control arm bushings are a bit weak, but it's not a matter of them needing replacement. They're just getting old. Seems that the lack of grease fittings on modern suspension components leads to the creaking noises. It doesn't mean the parts are bad, but the noise leads car owners to think that there is a problem, which allows the repair shops to sell repairs that aren't needed.

Another piece to the puzzle.

Watching "Punch Drunk Love." Interesting movie. Very interesting.

Tomorrow will be all about getting ready for Sunday. And catching up on some personal work that needs doing.

I've been having some seriously strange dreams lately. Several that I can't write about here without offending sensibilities. But, suffice it to say that they have been WEIRD.

Heard from PJ today. He says he's coming to Houston. Whether that means he wants me to pay for the trip or not has not yet been revealed. However, as I was hanging up my dry cleaning today, I was thinking "I am SO glad that I have my apartment to myself again." Somehow, I have to keep that feeling alive going forward. Reading his blog, I wonder what that's all about. Self-promotion? Where's the profundity? Where's the content? I thought he was changing the world.

Maybe it's just one drink at a time.

This movie is REALLY weird. Unusual, though. Adam Sandler is very interesting.

Almost time to go see Jarred the non-responsive South African bartender. And to see if the boi is going to talk to me again tonight. What to wear?

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