Monday, November 21, 2005

Monday post #2

Well, elements of today were highly successful ... I bought three DVDs using my gift card, the balance of the gift card Nick found under my front seat (where I'd been looking for it since Hurricane Rita,) and a small amount of cash. Batman Begins, Phantom and Aviator. Very cool!

Picked up a loan today, has to close by about December 15 - I already have nearly everything necessary to make it work. That's a good thing. Helps greatly to making bills work out for December.

Worked on EFT today for a while; rooting out old mental patterns. Working with Lisa tomorrow again on it, then meetings on the west side until dinner time.

I want to look at the space for the church again. I think I'll take the camera and take pictures of it as best I can; maybe I can post them on the group's website. I hope it's sunny tomorrow.

I am so ready to move into that space for the church NOW. I want to be in there before the first Sunday in January, which for us, is the 8th. I think. I have to speak all four Sundays in January and I think it would be SO SO SO cool to have the new space.

Batman Begins is a great movie so far -

A very cool movie..

Nick won't commit to joining my friends for Thanksgiving - so, I'm not going to ask again. Mikey says that he and .. well, whoever .. are welecome at his place for dinner.

The mountain is going to have to come to Mohammed now.

I'm not loaded with words tonight .. so, I think I'm going to close this out and watch the rest of this movie.

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