Monday, October 31, 2005

Monday, Monday ver. 646.01

[08:13] Larry Lee: I'm beginning to think you spend more than Uncle Kelly when everything's added up. quite an accomplishment, I might add.
[08:13] DrDivo: urk. nasty.
[08:13] Larry Lee: on the wooing, almost wedding, and bedding of young men.
[08:13] Larry Lee: I know, but . . .
[08:14] Larry Lee: so he's here through next Wednesday or so?
[08:14] DrDivo: day after tomorrow, then he goes home
[08:15] Larry Lee: well, if you don't get any of that booty -- and I'm certainly not saying you won't -- that will almost be the equivalent of Uncle Kelly flying to Tampa for a blow job, and San Francisco for one session of sex. expense wise, that is.
[08:16] DrDivo: If one is looking only at a sexual transaction per dollar basis
[08:16] Larry Lee: and what are you looking at if not that?
[08:16] Larry Lee: you must know that he's obsessed with Carlos and will be for some time.
[08:16] Larry Lee: by the way, I still have pop-ups. who said I wouldn't?
[08:17] Larry Lee: pop-up blockers, actually.
[08:17] DrDivo: I don't have an expectation that he's going to turn into something. We had an amazing connection over the phone, I felt it was worth a couple hundred dollars to check it out, it didn't work out, and thus ..
[08:17] DrDivo: you should have the yahoo toolbar pop up blocker only
[08:17] DrDivo: which comes with your DSL service
[08:17] Larry Lee: don't know. it's identical to what I had before.
[08:17] Larry Lee: you know I'm computer illiterate, boy.
[08:17] DrDivo: does it seem to be operating more quickly?
[08:18] Larry Lee: you know I love you, Doug, but this repeated behavior with strangers met on the internet . . . not two days before his arrival the other guy blew up on you. were you going to bring one and leave the other at home?
[08:18] DrDivo: what other guy
[08:19] Larry Lee: I can't really tell the difference, perhaps slightly more quick. but I can't get the high-speed DSL through SBC and it seems to work just fine.
[08:19] DrDivo: Gary and I could see a huge difference yesterday afternoon
[08:19] Larry Lee: whoever it was that flew in and "went out with friends."
[08:19] DrDivo: same guy
[08:19] Larry Lee: it's really kind of strange that you two could see this huge difference when you don't use this computer that often.
[08:19] Larry Lee: you're kidding.
[08:20] Larry Lee: I stay so confused with these matters. so the lesbian friend is who he went out with.
[08:20] DrDivo: nope
[08:20] DrDivo: yes
[08:20] Larry Lee: okay, I give.
[08:20] Larry Lee: WHO did he go out with?
[08:20] DrDivo: when? Last week? He went out with the lesbian.
[08:21] Larry Lee: that's what I said. this is beginning to sound like Abbott and Costello.
[08:21] Larry Lee: any way, it doesn't matter so long as YOU'RE happy with everything. it's your money and your time.
[08:21] DrDivo: indeed it is
[08:21] Larry Lee: yep.
[08:21] DrDivo: I have replaced boys with a new obession anyway, as of our stop in Fort Worth
[08:22] Larry Lee: well, all that money spent would go a long way toward the Phaeton.
[08:23] DrDivo: WHile you're on your soapbox, I'm going to give you two examples from similar circumstances and ask you to re-evaluate
[08:23] DrDivo: I met Matticia on yahoo in a gay chatroom -
[08:23] DrDivo: I flew him out here five years ago. We never had sex.
[08:23] DrDivo: I talk to him EVERY SINGLE DAY. He's a fabulous friend. I paid for his ticket to my birthday party.
[08:23] DrDivo: Do you think that was money wasted?
[08:23] Larry Lee: incoming email.
[08:24] DrDivo: my gracious that's a handsome man
[08:24] Larry Lee: oh, honey, I know Matticia and you are friends. and I'm not saying you do this ALL the time. just rather frequently.
[08:24] Larry Lee: look at that penga!
[08:25] Larry Lee: Matticia is a delightful young man that, on first blush, isn't all that cute. but, honey, we were ALL taken with him (should I say smitten) in no time at all. truly a delight!
[08:25] DrDivo: and, I met E (Eric in Vancouver) on - I flew him down here TWICE. He's one of my best friends. He and I have NEVER had any sexual interplay. However, the initial circumstances were the same.
[08:25] DrDivo: So - in life, there are things that don't work out, and there are things that work out better than any possible expectation.
[08:26] Larry Lee: amen, and amen!
[08:26] DrDivo: the initial investment in each has been the same.
[08:26] DrDivo: So, if Nick turns out to be something like Matticia, have I been well or ill served by my expense of about $400?
[08:26] DrDivo: For which I'll 1099 him
[08:27] Larry Lee: now you're talking! never entered my mind -- a business expense with side benefits. whether you claim him or not, it's all for you and you alone to determine whether or not you were ill-served.
[08:27] DrDivo: I'm asking you
[08:27] DrDivo: you've offered your strong opinion this morning
[08:27] DrDivo: thus, I'm asking you
[08:28] DrDivo: Curt wants to know if he left his boots there
[08:28] Larry Lee: I'll respond after taking this call.

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