Thursday, September 08, 2005

Thursday support hose

Last night, Lisa told me that I needed to be asking for support from the Universe, instead of specific things, and that I needed to be open to support. So, in our board meeting, all of a sudden the President suggests to the meeting that I should be paid something for everything that I do to support the group; they voted to pay for my Prac II expenses over the next eight months.

Then, this morning, I go to the M Clinic to have my bi-weekly check up, and I took with me the book Donna gave me from Gangaji - and, all eight chapters I read are about .. support.

Okay, so I've been asking for support, and it's been working. Sort of.

Let's have a little quote here:

"I cannot tolerate an American president, ostensibly meant
to be one of the most articulate and intellectually
sophisticated leaders on the planet, mumbling his
semicoherent support of the embarrassing nontheory of
'Intelligent Design,' to the detriment of about 300 years of
confirmed science and 10 million years of common sense to
the point where America's armies of dumbed-down
Ritalin-drunk children look at him and sigh and secretly
wish they could have a future devoid of such imbecilic
thought but who realize, deep down, they are merely another
doomed and fraught generation who will face an increasingly
steep uphill battle, who will actually have to fight for
fact and intellectual growth and spiritual progress against
a rising tide of ignorance and religious hegemony and
sanitized revisionist textbooks that insult their
understanding and sucker punch their sexuality and bleed
their minds dry."

-- San Francisco Chronicle columnist Mark Morford, Aug. 10.

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