Friday, September 09, 2005

Friday night thoughts

Well, here I am - it's been quite the day. After 4:45, when CP brought my check by, I ran hither and yon, paid bills, paid more bills, made phone calls, chatted up Michael (from Atlanta) and got ready to go meet Chris about starting a musical theater production company.

As I was leaving the parking lot from Mama's Restaurant, I was thinking to myself "am I crazy thinking of taking on another project?"


Anyway, Michael called me and asked to borrow forty bucks and offered to meet me over in the Gulfgate area. He's a hoot. Anyway, after meeting up with him for a few minutes, I drove over to EJ's to meet Mikey and the other Whores of Baghdad, hung out there a while, had Jarred flirting with me. Blah. After leaving, I was nearly out of gas (which, I guess means that I really NEED it) so I filled up at the Big Gay Diamond Shamrock; $53.00. Wow. Then, I think about it, and I just really don't care. I'll just pay it.

We have (counting) possibly six loans in process now. At least four of those should close yet in September. Wow. That should mean a great month for me financially. I may have sold another set of books today, which would rock. I've decided that I'm going to take a diversion and write a definitive book on loan processing (which a former employer nagged at me to write for him for nearly three years, but since he wasn't paying me squat, he can go hang) and sell it. Nationally. Maybe I'll work on that .. um, when?

Tomorrow morning, Ruby goes into the shop for an alignment and etc. at 0700; then, I'm going to work on mailing stuff out and maybe going back to bed. And drinking coffee. I've been so sore that I broke down and called Travis the chiropractor (who's just the best, but annoying) and am seeing him at 11:00 tomorrow.

I had to buy a ticket for the MegaMillions tonight. $171MM. After taxes with the cash option, that would be some $55,000,000. Couldn't help myself.

Working on going to see E over the weekend of the 24th. I just HAVE to take a Sunday off every now and again. Urk. I have to remember to come up with a flip chart and markers for Sunday.

Anyway, that's enough for tonight. I'll post a couple of pictures of Michael (from Atlanta) who is so damned fun to talk to.

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