Monday, September 05, 2005

Men SUCK. And not in a good way.

Monday but it feels like Sunday and it’s almost over.

Jayson is negotiating with me for the first Fabulair photo shoot; he’s served notice that he expects to get paid for modeling.  That’s assuming he can show up.  I may just put the whole photo shoot thing off a week and find someone REAL.

Not a word from Michael, I’m giving up on him.  Had a message from N8 this evening; he’s “been busy,” and “wants to know if [I] can help him buy a house in San Diego.  Uh, if you could lease an apartment it would be a miracle.  What the f*ck ever.

I finally, after more than two years, bought some potting soil for the big ceramic pots I have on my patio.  I’m going to go buy some crepe myrtles for them (30% off at Teas!) and have something IN them, finally.  Amazingly, the patio doors (on the outside) are all mildewed and crappy looking.  AGAIN.  More work.

Buying another two XM radios; one for permanent mounting in Ruby, and one to carry around – a portable.  I’m giving my current one to E, I think.  The one I want for Ruby is a permanent mount unit that will fit right where the CD holder is presently.  It will look/work a lot better.  I also found some Polk book shelf speakers on eBay that were less than the Sonys I had picked out, with better shipping prices.  So, I think that it will be Polk speakers in the den and in my bedroom, which will sound nicer.  Maybe tomorrow, I’ll be able to get the subwoofer fixed, and the dish network receiver connected up.

Okay, it’s time to see if sleep will follow me.  Until the morrow.

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