Monday, September 05, 2005

Interesting afternoon

Interesting afternoon and evening.  Of course the first part of my day was absorbed with church and such.  Got home around 14:00 after stopping at an outpost of the evil retail empire.  Fiddled around after I got home, and Mikey and Denny came by at about 5:30.  I had just started to pull the stereo equipment out to re-install it all and clean back in there, and they had fun watching that.  I got everything put in so that it FITS and I can close the cabinet doors again.

Once I got everything working again (with Mikey’s invaluable assistance,) I made divo-ghetti.  It was quite the effort, I must say.  We started watching First Contact (a DVD to test the sound system) and were going to fiddle around with the subwoofer, which doesn’t seem to be working.  We moved from that to Sordid Lives, and suddenly Mikey suggested “It’s My Party,” which Denny had never heard of.  That was something else again.  I hadn’t seen that video in at least two years, and all three of us were sniffling and dabbing with tissues.  

Now, the dishes are running in the dishwasher, the apartment smells of garlic, and I am playing the XM.

As per the norm, it’s 23:00 and I’m not sleepy.  I could go clean out Ruby’s interior, I guess, but I’m sure I’ll just sit here and fiddle around for a while.

I’m reading people making non-sequiturs in’s Houston chatroom.  It’s so clear why I abandoned it nearly a year ago.

Was supposed to hang out today with Michael – he’s from Atlanta.  He blew me off.  I don’t even react to this anymore – what’s that about?

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