Wednesday, April 27, 2005

What Guy wrote about me -

I met Divo at a coffee. Soon after we both found out that we have devotion to aviation that would rival that of the pope unto Jesus Christ. The more I get to know Doug, the more I like him. He is, though by transplant, a southern gentleman in the truest meaning. He can insult someone and make it sound as if they were the greatest person in his eyes. This is the true test of a southern gentleman. With a tip of his intellectual hat he moves on and only those that know him best will know what’s happened, and we keep our mouths shut.
He shares many of my most hard and fast beliefs:
Vodka goes with tonic in a tall glass.
A bottle of wine is only opened once and finished in one sitting.
If it is between getting on a plane and flying to Phuket or paying the car note…well Phuket, naturally.

If you know why, raise your glass to Ship 014. If not leave this one to The Divo and myself.

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