Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Monty returns

E and I walked over to the Safeway to pick up some foodage for dinner, and we saw Monty and his boyfriend chatting up some other VERY fey couple on the street. Monte was VERY flirtatious again, and his boyfriend is .. hard to read. I give them less than a month.

Monty wants to come to Southern Decadance. If he did, he's the kind who would be arriving for the first cocktail, and then vanishing until it's time to catch the plane back home. Sean says he wants to go, but I am not believing THAT unless it happens, and I doubt that the boy will want to go, unless .. well, let's just not discuss that right now, shall we?

Mikey is starting his own business, which is a good thing. Ryan called yesterday, I MUST hop on that project, as it bears some substantial possibilities.

Yesterday, at the Smart shop (which is a Mercedes store) I spent some time playing around inside of a CLS500, which E said looked just like a Taurus. Today, while I was snoozifying, E saw a Bentley Continental GT on the roads and byways, and he thought - "That's a good D car."

It was even silver.

We're just chiling now. I am going to do some more packing in a little while here, and I'm basically all ready to go. I've been having weird thoughts all day about flying home, which is IRRITATING.

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