Saturday, April 30, 2005

Being thoroughly amused while utterly unamused

Tonight, I was snoozing on the sofa after class, expecting not to hear from/see Jason until about .. oh, 6:00 a.m. Just before he strolls in the door (early - 5:30) I was having this bizarre dream; I was at a family reunion at my first cousin Joe's house in Bay City Michigan (I think) .. none of our parents were there, but we were (the cousins) all much younger than we are now. He has a big house on the St. (something) River that flows into Lake Huron; it's very beautiful. So, there are all these unfamiliar people there, and I'm standing on this deck with my sister and my cousin Paul. It's dusk, and I notice this HUGE gray shape materializing out of the fog; it starts getting closer and I exclaim "oh, my God! It's the Japanese cruiser (insert correct name of cruiser here - the thing was sunk at Midway, I think.) It's cruising (what a shock) silently up the river, and it pulls up abreast of the deck in the middle of the river, and I notice that behind it is the Japanese aircraft carrier Shokaku (the fifth carrier in the Pearl Harbor raid; sunk at the Battle of Leyete Gulf in 1944) ..

Then, I wake up wondering what the heck THAT meant.

So, Jason strolls in the door - he was supposed to be at a friend's wedding, and he's still wearing what he had on this morning at 9:00 when I dropped him off at his brother's house. He says he couldn't find a ride over there. The reception is at 7:00; did I want to go with him? So, then we have the shoe drama - he doesn't have his dress shoes, because they're in the bag in someone's trunk that he was supposed to have a ride home with this morning after work, which he missed because he was doing whatever he was doing until 5:30 this morning.

Therefore I have to drive him to his ex-girlfriend's mother's apartment to pick up some clothes, which takes 90 minutes to and fro, and then we go to the whitest white-bread wedding party I've EVER seen. It's at Brady's Landing in Pasadena, and the groom is one of Jason's high school friends. All of his friends (who were there) attended A&M, most for engineering, and they LOOKED THE PART. Of course, I know no one there. He's introducing me as his "friend." Innocuous. One guy asks "are you the guy with the Porsche?" Uh, no. I drive a Buick.

The DJ should have been included in that last Republican lynch mob that went through town, and I sat on a draped, bow-tied folding chair watching people in clothing that was WAY too tight clomp around on the dance floor. So, I whipped out my handy-dandy all-purpose playtoy (my phone) and commenced to amusing myself.

Message from E - "where is this sea of overly white people, D?"

Message from me "North Grand Ballroom, Brady's Landing, on the ship channel, Pasadena, Texas."

Message from E - "we don't get the ship channel here in YVR, D."

Seriously funny stuff. Jason never gets very far or very long away, he spends most of his time talking about everyone with me. He looked GREAT (of course.) It seemed to me that he was having a difficult time feeling like he was part of the group; they're all college graduates, all have responsible jobs, most making great money. All have girlfriends or wives.

At 11:00, the party breaks up, and the group (sans bride & groom) head downtown to enjoy the elevated nightlife therein. So, Jason asks if I want to come with them. I demur, inasmuch as I have to be up in six hours to get ready for my class. So, I'm driving him to Cabo (a painfully heterosexual experience) and he asks me if I can give him forty bucks, as he's going to be short.

Mind you, this was the SECOND cash call today; the first being this morning at 6:15 after he had lost his (my) house key, awakened me to open the door for him, flopped onto my bed and snuggled a while.


I said nothing this morning; I gave him $20 tonight and now I'm PISSED. At myself, of course.

So, I want to know why it's appropriate for him to Lynch me (Mikey will get that joke) And, I'm going to ask him (Jason) directly, why I'm getting Lynched. I'm not willing to pay for companionship that I also have to feed and house.

I hope that the book Cassandra had me order arrives soon.

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