Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Strange, Canadian dreams

We haven't had a dream update in some time.

Two nights ago, I dreamt that I was visiting with Larry, and I was fussing about a skin tag that I had. He told me that it was so easy to fix, one just cut into it with a little saw blade - like an un-hooked blade from a metal saw, and then one put a wet paste of Comet scrubbing powder onto the area, and the skin tag would disappear. After which time, there was a vertiable orgy of skin tag purging using blue Comet paste.

This morning, I had a dream that I was in a Science of Mind class that was quite conceptual but filled to the brim with students that I didn't know. We were discussing some .. thing .. which involved death, I think. Or something. Anyway, it seemed to me that it was pretty clear what the point was, and I put up my hand (and started speaking as I am want to do) and the teacher (a young, very pretty black woman) said "uh, no. someone else."

As in, I already talk too much.

I think that's it. Bueno!

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