Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Interesting day so far. Got the guest room all tidied up, got the dusting done (mostly) and got all the filing done. Have a short stack of things to accomplish in the morning, and got most of those done. The house is in really good shape now.

Nicole and Nancy came over around 12:45, and we hung out until just after 4:00. While they were here, Mike Z called, and invited me to his birthday party on Friday night. I asked him to come over on Tuesday night for an individualized birthday celebration .. more on that later.

Joe went out last night to EJ's, and (after a few hundred cocktails) asked Jarred out to lunch on Friday to see what he would say - and Jarred told them he had plans with me! That made me feel better.

So, tomorrow morning, finish off the stack of paper on my holder here, and then I'm almost all caught up. I have to write a lease and a management agreement (and I have to figure out where I put the paperwork for that) as the client is probably coming or calling tomorrow to pick it all up. I have asked for a few other checks this week - and people are being silent. I wonder if it's this Mercury retrograde thing I keep hearing about. Bleh. More pushing tomorrow, I guess.

Time to empty the animals. It's cold outside!

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