Friday, July 23, 2004

Ah, the secret of success.  Get up early!  I woke up before 6:00 this morning, and instead of going back to sleep, I just got up.  It's 6:41 now, and I've walked the dogs, made the bed, vacuumed the bedroom, cleaned the patio windows, made coffee, read the paper, checked for new bank transactions, read my email, etc., etc.  Normally, I'd be still in bed contemplating whether I should be getting up just yet.

Another interesting dream last night.  I had a new house - which was really an old house, but newly mine.  A techie weirdo with 70's tastes and technology had inhabited it.  Like, in the master bedroom, every wall was COVERED with old telephones screwed to the wall.  A talking chicken, those old touch-tone phones in wood boxes, other figures, all cheek to jaw, covering all the walls, mixed in with electrical switches, distribution boxes, as far as the eye could see.  At first, I was overwhelmed by all the work to make the place MINE, at the end of the dream, I was checking through everything and deciding I could just pull all the stuff off the walls and sell it on eBay.  Anyway...

At the end of the dream, someone was knocking on the front door (I was living with a bunch of other people, well, housing them, actually, because it was clearly MY house) and someone was telling me that Lance had stirred up some big ugly scorpion thing, thinking it was a frog.  So, I went out into the front yard, and there was this HUGE black .. THING .. it looked like a movie version of an irradiated super-tarantula or something, with these big pinchers at its mouth - it was hairy, and it was chasing my sister, who was holding it off by spraying it in the face with a garden hose.

Anyhow, during the middle of all this, I was dreaming that I was wearing my fairy costume, and buzzing around the inside of some department store - flying, actually - it was hallowe'en, and I was dressed for that.  Or, was it Christmas?  One or the other.  There was this guy that I REALLY liked a lot, and he seemed to like me as well.  I kept trying to get close to him, and he was kind of receptive, and so my emotions went down THAT road - and then, he was buddying up with this OTHER guy, who was (in my judgment) cuter than I was, and I was feeling quite the lesser for it.  When I woke up, I was thinking "ah hah!"  THIS is the basis for my sentence (if you haven't done the ENTIRE Landmark/Forum programs, you'll have to ask me what this is) as it applies to men and dating.  So, now I have something to chew on there.

Oh, and in the middle of all THAT, there was this GORGEOUS (heterosexual and married) guy who was living in ths sort of refugee camp setup in the basement (little cubicles made up with plywood and curtains) who started an affair with me that was VERY rewarding.  Of course, he wasn't exactly available emotionally.  Fully.  Married, you know?  And I'm thinking "ah hah Ver. 2.01"  of the sentence and men.  I think I need to call Susan.  Or go spend a weekend with her.

Like this weekend.  THAT will work.

Okay, time to finish up this oatmeal, and get into the shower.  My opportunity to beat Rick into the office is fading.

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