Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tuesday with my Jemima Mammy do-rag on

I've been cleaning all damned morning - I started by trying to open my mail from the last five days, which lead to clearing off the desk, followed by 20 minutes of shredding, which required bagging up the contents of the shredder, which necessitated swamping out the garbage can with bleach water. With other stuff in between. Now, we're about to have a thundershower. I have hours of work to do yet; I was working last night until 10:45. Still have six months' of a client's bank statements to reconcile, CellCast's files to go through and organize, my own filing to get caught up on, bills to pay (which requires money to pay them with,) a mortgage loan to work on, and a contract to review - as in, do I want to do this? Not to mention all the non-timelined, creative projects that are dragging on (Fabulair, SOM writings and on-line presentations, etc.)

Haircut, office supplies, pick up the mail, come back, fill up the water jugs, unload the car, answer email, and still I need to spend several hours doing substantive work.

I need to spend some time making some notes - I'm thinking that I'm going to heave it all into my Yahoo 360 site - books that I think are important, places that I REALLY want to visit, how I want my life to be. Maybe it needs to be in a private journal. Some of it.

I think that's tonight's work effort - a bit of visualization, while Brambo is at work.

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